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    Wednesday, March 16, 2005


    ok not totally free, but better than the past two days. MY car is still stuck in three feet of snow, but I was able to ride in with my mother today and at least get to work. I hope that it is still light enough when I get home to get some of the snow out from around my car so that it can defrost tomorrow. it'll be a chore, but it needs to get done.

    on to other news. I got to work this morning to find that the owners had moved a whole bunch of stuff around in my absence. some of the changes are good, others well... lets just say that they aren't terrible, but not to my liking.

    I left my laptop at home today because of the deep snow that I had to walk through. Now I wish that I hadn't left it. I can't listen to what I would normally listen to at work, because the store computer doesn't have the same programs installed, and I don't want to install them on the work machine.

    that's about all that I can think of to say right now. Maybe more later.



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