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    Thursday, May 19, 2005


    SO I found out a few days ago that my grandmother is one of those people who believe that the bible is the absolute truth. Now she was raised in a different time, and I understand that the belief as such is part of her upbringing.

    What amazes me is that there are people who want their children to hold as deep a belief. I can understand that people want their children to believe in religion, but at what cost.

    This comes up as there is once again a debate between creationism and evolution. I am all for children learning the story of how god made the world, but it needs to be taught in church, not school. School needs to be the place where children learn of science. Where the wonders of what has been discovered is revealed.

    My biggest concern is what happens with these children when they get out of creationist systems and into hard science systems. How difficult a time will they have catching up to what others learned years earlier? Will they be able to catch up at all?

    In a time when science is driving changes in society is this the way people should be headed. Parents should think of the oppertunities available to their children, and not hinder them. Religion has a place, but not in what is taught in school.

    And for those who are truly opposed to evolution, maybe convince your school to send permission slips. Don't hinder the children of others because you want your kids to be held back scientifically. Your kids are your responsibility, but don't harm others.

    Finally, consider other religions. Maybe they have a serious problem with the intellegent design theory, maybe they also don't like evolution. Would you want another religion imposed on your children? They probably don't either. So stop trying to impose religion on the children, and come up with a sensible compromise.

    Ok, what you really came for.


    After three tries she was able to get through.

    “Scott?” she said, trying to be heard through static in the line.

    “Maur…”hiss. “Cant’ he…”

    Maureen decided that it was useless. She yelled into the phone, “Call me when the service is better.”

    The call was disconnected on the other end. She hoped that her message had got through.

    She hung up the phone.

    Julius could see the concern on her face.

    “What’s wrong?”

    “Line was full of static. We couldn’t hear each other. I hope that they’re ok.”

    “They’re probably fine,” Julius said with a smile.

    “I hope so.”

    Maureen limped back out to the patio.

    Seeing a place with a little bit of sun she pulled a chair over and sat down.

    She closed her eyes, soaking up the sun. A cool breeze blew over her. She couldn’t remember being so comfortable in a long time. She leaned back in the chair, making it recline.

    Julius stood in the doorway, looking at her. He wanted so badly to just let her rest, but he felt time slipping away. They had already lost two days, and could ill afford to lose any more.

    Still he watched, not wanting to disturb her.

    Maureen sensed him there, but thought that he would eventually either sit down or decide to do something.

    Finally disturbed by the silence, “Julius, why don’t you pull up a chair?”

    Julius walked over and did as requested. It sounded like a good idea anyway as he still hadn’t decided what to do that day anyway.

    Maureen was concerned by the continued silence. She opened her eyes and sat up. “What’s wrong?”

    Julius remained silent and contemplative. Finally, “I’m trying to decide how we should continue with the training.”


    “I want to let you relax as much as possible over the next couple of days, but we need to get back to training. I also want you to stay off of that ankle at least through tomorrow.”

    Maureen grimaced. She didn’t want to think about the foolishness that led to her hurting herself.

    “I’m sorry.”

    Julius was confused. “For what?”

    “For going and getting myself hurt. I should have controlled myself.”

    Julius walked over, knelt at her side and placed his hand on her shoulder. “You were emotional, and I threw another log on the fire. Eventually things like that just overwhelm you. It’s not your fault.”

    Maureen smiled at him.

    He stood up and returned to the other chair. Maureen just watched in silence.

    “I think that you could easily find the answer, unless something else is on your mind.”

    Julius looked at her. “You’re probably right.”

    “So what is it?”

    Julius shook his head. “I don’t know.”

    He stood up and started pacing the patio. Maureen watched, wondering what could have so agitated the vampire.

    “I just don’t know what to focus on,” he said finally.

    “What do you mean?”

    “I don’t know how much time we have left, and I don’t know his strengths and weaknesses. So I don’t know what to focus on.”

    “Well, what’s left?”

    Julius stopped. He thought about it for a moment. “Not much when I think about it. We really just need to strengthen your existing skills, and work out the few remaining problems.”

    “Like what?”

    “Well… your magic isn’t as strong as I’d like it to be. You are fine with fire, but the other elements still seem to give you problems. You seem to have had some success with air, but none at all with earth and water.”

    “Then let’s start there.”

    “You sure?’

    “Unless you’d rather go back to physical training,” she said with a smile in her voice.

    Julius laughed. “You have a point.”


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