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    Friday, June 17, 2005


    so I am still a little tired, but much better than earlier this week.

    I managed to get a little bit written last night, not as much as I wanted but any progress is better than none.

    I am waiting impatiently to hear what my publisher thought of Torn. If everything went as planned then the first readthrough should have been completed yesterday. Of course life may have interfered, but from the last update the story was liked.

    So today is the last post for Torn. Chapter 62, the epilogue. Kinda feels weird. But the point is that come next week I have nothing to attach to the end of these depressingly short posts. I don't think that I will be posting Dark system, it will just be too long. For now I may post some short stories, or maybe my opinions on current events. Lemme know if there are any favorites.

    This ending was almost depressingly flat, and was later expanded upon. Watch for info about publication if you want to know how I changed it.


    The fight had seemed endless, but as time wore on all could see the fighters losing strength.

    Jack had made an attack, and Maureen had barely avoided it.

    Jack moved in.

    Jack’s head was disconnected from his shoulders as Maureen turned in an attempt to recover ground.

    She watched in amazement as Jack’s body collapsed on the ground.

    She looked around, trying to recover her bearings.

    Her eyes fell on Karen.

    She looked up at Malchevio. “Give me my daughter.”

    The old man knew better than to disobey. He released the girl, and disappeared.

    Maureen fell to her knees as her daughter ran toward her. She embraced the girl, held her away as she checked her for injury, and held her close again.

    “Mommy! You’re making me all slobbery,” protested Karen at the attention and kisses her mother was bestowing on her.

    Maureen scooped Karen into her arms, and started walking toward the house.

    Scott met her halfway there. He pulled both his wife and child into his arms.

    Julius watched from the trees. He wished that he could stay, but he knew better. His job here was done, and he was needed in his own realm.

    He watched as the family walked back into the house.

    He smiled. She had kept her promise. He knew that he would see her again, but for now he had other things to attend to.

    One battle had been won. But the war was just starting.



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