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    Sunday, September 04, 2005

    we need to make a stand

    Raise your hand if you want another conservative judge on the supreme court.


    Yeah I thought so.

    But if the rest of us don't take a stand, right now, that is exactly what we will get. After the nomination of John Roberts some conservative groups were outraged because he wasn't conservative enough.

    If those people have their way we will surely decline into a society ruled by religion.

    We already have judges that are being kicked out of their own churches for ruling according to the laws as written by the government. And we are seeing a rise in judges that rule according to their own morals, and usually those defined by their church.

    These are the same people that justify hate based on a passage from the bible, when often another passage completely negates the one that they are using.

    We cannot allow laws and the legality of issues to be decided based on the writings of religious texts. We are now seeing constantly how these same texts are being used to justify discrimination and withholding of rights to those who are seen in a negative light in those writings.


    Personally, I'm tired of the conservatives trying to force their morality down our throats. We have freedom of religion for a reason. But lately it seems that those on the far right are trying to silently alter freedom of religion to freedom to choose which denomination of christianity.

    Sorry, I ain't buying it. And neither should you.

    If we don't say as the nominations approach that we will have none of it, then we are opening ourselves up to be ruled by texts that we may not agree with. We are also opening ourselves up for eventual persecution.

    So let me be the first to scream it to the internet.

    MR. BUSH,

    Ok people, let's beat the far right to the punch. Let's stop our squabbling and join to keep sanity in the government.


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