Eh, whatever
So after not updating for a few days I still have little to talk about. Well, maybe not, we'll see...

(a href="" target="blank")(img src="" alt="Image hosted by")(/a)
- Started a new team blog last night for members of the dead t-shirt society. For the rest of you that means a new blog that showcases (when it gets rolling in a day or so) designs and products from a whole bunch of cafepress shopkeepers. I've already set up a link to the feed if anybody is horribly interested, and the blog is at
- Started getting into shape again. I'd like everybody to stop by and make sure that it works in your browsers and let me know here. It's not done yet, but it's a good start. I think I am only missing the crafts pages right now.
- Bloggy Button: I may have started a nasty trend, or maybe somebody else started it. But right after I made the button for Bumper Sticker Rant available I started seeing lillte buttons appear everywhere for linking to blogs. So, not to get lost in the shuffle, here's one that ya'll can use to link back to here

(a href="" target="blank")(img src="" alt="Image hosted by")(/a)
As usual, just change the ()'s to <>'s
Ok, more than I thought, but still not much. L8R
Ok, more than I thought, but still not much. L8R
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