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    Thursday, January 12, 2006

    On reading blogs

    I've noticed that reading blogs can sometimes be straining on my eyes. On some it's just a matter of font, and increasing the text size often helps. For some reason, I think it's just because my eyes don't have to work as hard.

    But I've started to notice that I really can't read more than 2 or 3 posts on the minima black template before I start seeing lines. Something about the text on a black background is incredibly hard on my eyes.

    Of course that sucks for me. Minima black is a popular template, and I bet almost a third of the peeps on my blogroll use it. Heck, I even have it as the template on one of the blogs that I set up.

    Oh well, I guess that's why you don't often see professional pages set up with white text on black. Just too hard to read.


    Blogger Bsoholic said...

    Wow, it's the exact opposite for me. I can read better on the black template than I can on any of the other colors (especially the white templates). My eyes have always been bad though, so perhaps that has something to do with it.

    7:15 AM  

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