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    Saturday, July 30, 2011

    Dear Congress: Grow a pair!

    Dear Congress: Grow a pair!

    I apologize if that seems a bit crude, but as a whole you are all too dense to have noticed the more subtle signals that the American public, your employers, have been sending. So now we must resort to heavier tactics, and stronger words.

    As your employers, I would guess that most of us would say that your job performance is well below expectations. You do not function well in a team environment, and not a one of you is able to check your ego at the door. This has resulted in stagnation of the system while the rest of the world is leaving us in the dust. Even worse, your inability to play nice has caused a crisis of historic proportions.

    Now back to that rather harsh intro. And ya, grow a pair about describes it. The Cowardly Lion had more guts than the whole lot of you combined. He was willing to work in a team environment, even when it scared him. You all cannot even do that much, you are so scared of losing your jobs and your funding that you consider inaction the best course of action, and you are putting not only your own jobs on the line by doing so, but you are pulling the entire Unites States down with you.

    Republicans and Fiscal Conservatives, you need to work on your "no" skills, and I don't means saying no to Democrats and Liberals. You need to work on saying no to companies that export jobs rather than support the US economy. Why do they deserve tax breaks when they don't employ US workers who would then make up that break through payroll taxes? You claim to be fiscally conservative, but in effect your policies give money away to other countries. Talk about spending more than you are bringing in.

    Democrats and Liberals, you also need to work on your "no" skills, and once again the people you are saying "no" to aren't your Republican and Fiscal Conservative counterparts. You need to say no waste. There are problems in every system, and every entitlement program will have those who will abuse it. But just because it is there does not mean everybody needs it, and due to abuses some who do need it are rejected from lack of funds. You need to say no to abuses and make sure that the people who do need these systems are able to get the help they need when they need it. Wasteful spending is negligent spending.

    Both sides need to work on their "yes" skills, particularly where the other party is concerned. While you may have fundamental ideological differences, there are people all the time with ideological differences that are able to overcome them through compromise. Kindergarteners are able to come to a compromise easier than you.

    In summary everybody needs to address their fears and learn to face them. Every member of Congress has a fear of losing their job as well as losing the "funding" that your employers know you are taking on the side. Every member of Congress has the fear that even the slightest hint of compromise will make them look weak, weak to their own party and exploitable by the other.

    Consider this your unofficial mid-term performance review. Your employers are watching, and the performance review that counts is next year. Your cowardice in terms of stepping up and showing the guts to be a team player may very well cause you to fail the review that counts. If that happens, there is nobody to blame except yourself.

    So for your own good, grow a pair.

    ~Your employers, The American Public


    Blogger Argus Collingwood said...

    Great!! Perfect Blog on this issue.

    3:26 PM  
    Anonymous Kirsten Z said...

    Very concise. I keep thinking that one way to cut back on abuses of programs such as welfare and unemployment benefits would be to have mandatory community service while receiving funds. Let's see how long it takes you to find work when you are picking up trash on the side of the road, or working in a welfare daycare so that other recipients can go look for work. Would cut back almost as much waste as mandatory drug testing. And no, I'm not a republican or a democrat, I am one of the few remaining independents that refuses to allow party politics to do my thinking for me

    3:47 PM  
    Blogger Phoenixwaller said...

    Kirsten, I actually like that idea, but in terms of unemployment I would make a major change. Picking up trash is not a continued skill that could be presented to potential employers. However working in non-profits, or service where the skills one is hoping to use in the future job is something that not only helps to keep those skills fresh, but make for good resume fodder.

    4:38 PM  
    Anonymous Mexico Adventure Tour said...

    Amazing blog.

    6:13 AM  

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