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    Friday, March 25, 2005

    more snow

    so on the way in to work this morning I decided that maybe instead of just news about me I would complain about whatever I feel like complaining about that day.

    So originally I was going to complain about bad drivers, but as I sit here watching it snow I have decided to complain about the weather instead. I had heard that the tsunami was going to affect the climate of the world, but who knows if that is really the cause of all the crazy weather or if the weather was going to get wierd anyway. I think that it was getting wierd anyway, what with all of the hurricanes and other strange weather last year, even before the tsunami.

    Geez, now it's hailing. Little tiny hail, but hail nonetheless... And now... it's snowing again, all within about 3 minutes. See what I men about crazy weather.

    Anyhow, I can't complain s much as I would like. I do remember the '80's when snow this late was a normal occurrence, but usually not immediately following a near 70° day. That is where the wierdness comes in. If the weather would choose one or the other it would be better, beautiful or nasty, but not both. Hey the sun just came out, but it is still snowing. ha ha.

    Onto something other than the weather. Work is normal, which is to say boring. I keep encountering problems when trying to copy my VHS tapes to dvd, it's not as if I'm planning to sell them or anything else. I am making backup copies of tapes that I purchased for my own personal use, namely to avoid taking a VCR when I go back down to school. Also some of my tapes are old and nearly impossible to find if they wear out, so I needed a copy for those circumstances.

    Anyway I still have some more tricks to try to record these tapes. But really, how much money did they pump into VHS tapes to prevent recording them onto another medium lately when DVD's are the new mass media medium. I just think that they wasted a lot of money on nothing, granted the money was spent some time ago as some of the movies that I was working with were old, but people who really want to get around the protection probably can. Also I believe that it is wrong to make people pay for the same rights over and over. If you buy it once, you should be able to transfer the rights to another medium as long as it is not distributed.

    Oh, well. We all know that as long as there is money to be made the industries will do everything that they can to prevent us from keeping our rights.

    Well, I'm starting to rant. So maybe I'll save this for another day, see if I can figure out a way to record my movies to dvd.



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