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    Thursday, April 21, 2005

    Broken internet

    The internet was broken this morning. It was most likely only a regional thing, but an annoyance nonetheless.

    Now to explain this rambling for those of you who say that the internet is non-breakable. Occassionally whatever trunk the data goes through in this city/state goes down. When this happens the internet is broken. Data transfer is still possible, because the bandwidth is still there, but no websites can be found. Like I said, mostly an annoyance, but if businesses depended on the internet it could really hurt.

    That was the big news for the morning. So it's time to continue the story.


    Jack’s frustration was mounting. He hadn’t found as many spiders as he would have liked, so he was going to have to wait for that particular bit of fun. He wasn’t going to settle for sub-standard torture.

    Now he had another problem, the elf wouldn’t wake up. He knew that the elf was still alive. He was still breathing and all other outward signs of life were there, but he couldn’t access his mind.

    Jack kicked at the elf again. He knew that he should stop, punishing the elf while he couldn’t feel it would only lessen the impact of what he would feel later. He kicked once more, for good measure, then went to the food that Malchevio had dropped off earlier.

    Humans don’t know what eating really is, he thought to himself. Their foods are usually horribly prepared, and so full of salt that you usually cannot taste anything else.

    Malchevio had finally done a good thing with this food this last time. He had brought raw food, no dried meat, no dried anything. He had brought some spices as well.

    Jack had devoured a raw piece of meat immediately after Malchevio left. Finding a small niche in the wall he froze the rock and placed the rest of the meat in the niche. Covering the opening with another rock he was confident that the rest of the food would stay fresh, or at least as fresh as it was brought to him.

    Uncovering the niche he was greeted with a gust of cold air. At least that still worked, he thought.

    He eyed the meat for a long time before finally grabbing an apple. The meat was scarce, and it would have to last.

    Jack bit into the apple, and grimaced. Sour.

    He walked toward the entrance to the cavern. He couldn’t go all the way, but he could go far enough to allow the sunlight to fall upon him.

    He was used to the dark of the cave, the sunlight burned his eyes at first. He couldn’t wait for the time that he could escape from this place. If he could be assured of winning if he attacked immediately he would do it, but the thought of an army as well as her kept him in check.

    The boredom was almost unbearable. At times like this he almost longed for the imprisonment that he had sought so hard an escape from. At least there he could show his power, and use it.

    Jack went into the back room.

    He looked down at the elf and resisted the urge to kick him again. He would wake up in time, his body would force him awake to deal with its needs. When that happened Jack would be ready.


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