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    Monday, May 30, 2005

    Memorial Day

    So I am on Dial-up because I am at home today. Thus this post will only be the next chapter.
    Happy Reading!


    Malchevio had news. Unfortunately he had to share the news with Jack.

    It wasn’t quite nightfall yet, but his orders were to tell Jack immediately.

    He had to be careful exiting the village. The villagers were wary since the fire, unusual activity was sure to prompt unwanted questions. And if the answers didn’t suit the villagers’ moods then he was sure to be watched.

    He wished again that Jack hadn’t set the fire. It had only caused more problems for him.

    He considered using an invisibility spell, but dismissed it for fear of another mage noticing. The last thing he needed was a nosy mage trying to follow him to find out what secrets were so important that they required a spell of invisibility.

    He pulled his cloak tight around him. It was too hot for it, but the dark color would help to disguise him when he entered the burnt forest.

    He slipped out of his house and into a nearby alley. It would take longer, but he was far less likely to encounter anybody else in the alley.

    He considered himself lucky that it was dinnertime. The streets would have fewer people on them for that reason alone.

    He exited the alley onto a lonely back lane. This was the most dangerous part. The lane led directly past the main entrance to the village. Since he needed to get to the other side there was no avoiding going this way.

    He just hoped that if anybody saw him they would just assume that he was doing something unimportant and leave him alone. He didn’t want anybody to see his face. If they did then he might never be allowed through.


    It was dark by the time that he reached the cave. He had heard screaming coming from the direction of the cave when he had been in the forest, but the screams had ended just about the time he exited it.

    He strode across the open space between the edge of the forest and the cave. His cloak flapped; open since he entered the forest.

    He entered the cave, and lit a torch. Without it the cave was too dark for him to see.

    He had gone almost all the way to the back of the cave before he found Jack.

    Jack was once again pouting over the elf.


    Jack smiled. “No, not yet. Just too weak to handle me. I’ll just get started and he’ll pass out again.”

    “Well, maybe it’s a good thing. He’ll keep your interest for these last few days.”

    Jack turned and faced Malchevio. “That sounds like a promising statement.”

    “That it is. I got an update, and we really are in the last few days.”

    Jack’s smile grew. “How long?”

    “Two more full days, then we move.”

    Malchevio thought that the smile would crack Jack’s face.

    Jack finally asked the question that Malchevio had expected. “How did they manage to make it? The last time I saw you I was told that at least a week was left.”

    “By the time they are ready it will have been exactly a week.”

    “Who had to die to make the deadline? I had been expecting at least a few more days.”

    “Some general on a power trip. Now anybody else who had thought that they were high and mighty has been reduced to their proper places. Eliminate the power trips and eliminate the delays.”

    If Jack’s smile could have grown any bigger it would have. However, being restrained by his face it turned into a sinister leer.

    “And the girl?”

    “She fell ill a couple of days ago. She was to lose at least two days of training.”

    Jack shouted his triumph.

    Malchevio waited in silence while Jack celebrated.

    Jack started to calm down.

    “I will come back day after tomorrow. We will finalize your preparations then.”

    Jack picked up the limp body of the elf and danced it around the room in a morbid display.

    “Think he’ll last that long?” Malchevio asked Jack of the elf.

    Jack stopped his dancing, and looked at the face of his victim.

    “Yeah, I’ll make sure of it.”

    “Is there anything that I should know, or anything that you need when I come back?”

    “Just don’t come back and tell me that there is another postponement.”

    “Then I’ll take my leave of you.”

    Malchevio had barely walked five steps when he was halted by Jack’s voice.


    He turned. “Yes?”

    “I sense that you have other news for me.”

    “Yes, I do. But it is of no use at this time. I will tell you when I return.”

    He started walking again, not wanting Jack to press the issue.

    He heard Jack’s footsteps follow him to the cave’s exit.

    He had just stepped out onto the grass when he heard Jack one more time.

    “Will I like this news when I hear it?”

    Malchevio turned and spoke into the darkness. “Yes, I believe you will.”

    He turned to face the forest again and left.


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