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    Friday, July 01, 2005


    So I'm sure by now that most of you know that I also run Bumper Sticker Rant.

    So today I will answer the question that I'm sure you ask whenever you check out the rant...

    how many bumperstickers does phoenix have on her car?

    None, nada, zero.

    Strange isn't it? Here I run a blog dedicated to bumperstickers, and yet have none myself. Now I did have two bumperstickers at one time, but that car is long gone.

    So the question is now why...

    Did you ever read the Steven King book Insomnia? I did, and even though the thing that scared me off of bumperstickers was merely a sidenote in the book it got me thinking. Now for those of you who haven't read the book or forgot since you last read it... one of the subplots is the is the debate over abortion, and the citizens of derry get really nasty about it. Nasty to the point of vandalizing private property that expressed an opinion different than their own.

    Now I need my car, I live half an hour from work and without any benefit of public transportation. With the great divide in the country right now I do not express my opinion on my car.

    The other reason is trade in value. We all know that bumperstickers decrease the value of the car.

    With that said, I really do like seeing bumperstickers on other people's cars. Especially the funny ones.

    So today's questions is do you have bumper stickers on your car? Why or why not?


    Blogger Sylvana said...

    I do, but I have them taped in the windows, not stuck on the car. I have ones that tell of my contempt for the current governmnetal policies. I do not put them on my car because I like the nice clean look of the paint job.

    4:21 PM  

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