A release for whatever pops into my head. Come back often for a dose of my opinion. Don't forget to check out Bumpersticker Rant, my other blog.

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    Monday, July 25, 2005


    So I had a flareup of my stomach problems last night...

    I had eaten at a place that I thought was safe, but I hadn't eaten there in years. I paid the price. I was in pain last night, and ended up taking medicine that I hadn't been forced to take in nearly 2 years.

    Luckily I'm feeling better this morning.

    On to other news...

    I added some more designs to Stuck in the Political Middle. They are just simple text, but I'm hoping that since i didn't see any other moderate sites this will fill a void. Also in answer to friday's question... the design I thought needed work was the mudslinging victim. It's just rough, and my art isn't too good. But it was nice to see that someone else liked it. If you check out the store though you'll see that the other design was almost completely replaced.

    I also managed to figure out where I am headed for the next few pages in DS. I'm having a hard time because I know where the story is going, but I don't want to rush getting there. I'm hoping that as I figure out this section it leads right into the next without the huge gap in writing time that I experienced lately.

    I also have more landscape pictures, and bees. I'm condsidering putting some of them on some of the things in my photography store. I'll probably post my favorites a little later today, and would like feedback on how to place these, fave products etc. Also I'll probably put one on a stamp when they are released next month, at a price I have concernes about, but it's worth the shot.

    I also recieved my business cards on fri. Now I just have to give them away. I got cards for both BSRant and Torn.

    Ok enough of this for now. Watch for pictures, if I get around to it today.


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