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    Thursday, July 28, 2005

    Where are the parents?

    So I'd been debating the subject of the Grand Theft Auto game on a message board. My argument was that we didn't need government involvement, because the parents should be paying attention to their own kids.

    And then this morning I see this article. Oh boy, talk about making my point.

    So quick rundown. A grandmother is sueing the makers of the GTA line because of the notorious sex scene, after she bought the game for her 14 yr. old Grandson.

    SO a couple of questions here. Since when do we totally ignore rating systems? She probably wouldn't have bought an R rated movie for him, so why does she think that the equivalent game rating is safe?

    Anybody who hasn't been living in a video game hole knows how violent this game is to start with. I remember hearing people brag in the first or second GTA how they managed to run over whole lines of Elvi. And being able to pick up prostitues was one of the open features of this incarnation of the game. You just didn't get to see the sex.

    So this leads me to my real point. Where are the parents? Why are they ignoring a rating system that was set up just to prevent this type of problem? Since when has a child's desire for something become more important than parental responsibility?

    There's a fundamental problem with assuming video games are safe, but that's not always the case. Parent's, grandparents, and relatives need to be just as stringent with games as they are with movies. You would be laughed at if you bought an R movie for your child and then tried to sue the moviemakers because it was inappropriate, why shouldn't we be laughing at this grandmother. I mean it was her own fault, she bought something that was rated above her grandson's age.

    So I say that the government needs to get out of complaining about the video games. It always has and always will come down to parental responsibility. And parents need to realize that these ratings are just as serious as those of movies, if you don't want your child having this kind of exposure... DON'T BUY IT.


    Blogger Bsoholic said...

    I agree. It is totally the resposiblity of the parents and in this case grandparents. I really hope the grandma gets laughed out of court. Everyone is too damn sue happy these days. OH CRAP I just spilled coffee on myself while typing this, guess I will sue Maxwell House, wish me luck!

    9:47 AM  
    Blogger Thomcat said...

    hehe - i was thinking of suing blogspot since i almost got fired for blogging while at work

    12:36 PM  

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