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    Thursday, August 25, 2005

    did she SAY that she was pro-choice?

    So clicking through the news today I came across this article.

    It talks about how one of the editors of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) started recieveing hate mail right after the article about fetus pain came out. Now don't get me wrong, I am a fence sitter, but I sit on the pro-life side of the fence.

    Anyway, back to article discussion.

    This article about fetus pain comes out and all of a sudden this gal is getting hate mail from strong pro-lifers. One even says that they will pray for her soul.

    Come on, is this necessary? To me it is no different than expelling members of churches who voted democrat or expelling judges from churches because the ruling didn't coincide with the bible.

    People do what needs to be done, and they should not be harrassed for doing something that needed to be done. In this case it appears that this needed to be investigated because of laws that are being written in several states and this information was asked for.

    But to all of those hard-line CC's out there. Get a clue. Seriously. Sometimes duty and faith don't go together. And faith don't exactly bring in a paycheck.

    Sometimes people can't do what the bible says. And I hate to say it, but your morality doesn't necessarily equal my morality. So don't badger me or anyone else about it, because who gave you the right to try and control the feelings and emotions of anyone else?

    Grr. Sorry, but it really upsets me when people get all high and mighty and then take it out on someone who really had no other choice.

    To end this I'd like to say to the editors of JAMA. I can support your decision to investigate the matter and publish your findings. They will hopefully be to the greater good of all people and will vastly enhace issues dealing with fetal health. These finding, I feel, will help to determine the level of accidental trauma if a fetus is injured and will help to save lives. Thank you for your devotion to your work and to the medical community.


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