A release for whatever pops into my head. Come back often for a dose of my opinion. Don't forget to check out Bumpersticker Rant, my other blog.

Please Visit My Cafepress Store.

    Monday, August 22, 2005


    Hey all,

    So I have internet. Yay! I'm still working on catching up on what I missed the past few days, and since some of you can blog like mad people I may have to give up and just start fresh with the current posts.

    SO my financial aid was still messed up. I found out on Saturday that I still had something else to sign, and even though I was able to do it on the internet that night... well it still hadn't posted as of this morning.

    So I ended up puttin almost $2500 on my mother's credit card. Oh boy... Luckily I should get that before too long as the aid kicks in and other stuff takes effect, and then I can pay her back.

    Tomorrow... I need to go see the prof for the one real class I have. The prerequisites changed and now I will have to get a waiver to get into the class. I hope he doesn't try and give me shit about it. He knows that this is the only class I need for that second degree and I have taken it before so hopefully he won't want me to go back and take a basic class.

    Other then that I have all day tomorrow to do whatever needs to be done, including sitting here and seeing what's available campus-job-wise via monsterjobs.

    SO I had my picture taken for the student newspaper today. But I still have not heard from the reporter who is supposed to interview me. A little strange, I think. They have a picture, and yet nothing to go with it. Hopefully this will be remedied tomorrow or the next day.

    I also found out that my roomate is in the same circuits class as I am. I hope that that will help. Maybe something as simple as somebody else right there will give me the kick in the pants that I need.

    Anyhow, I don't have much else to say right now. But I will again ask for people to check out my book, and Phoenixwaller Designs. I do have a sale right now on phoenixwaller designs, and cafepress has another sale. So buy before the end of August to double up. And I opened with new designs, so along with my older stuff you can now browse my do not disturb section, and my misc. section includes 'n07 1337' and 'yeah I'm looking.../ But I ain't desperate.' So I will post the banner to the cafepress sale in the sidebar here, and in the sidebar on the store page.



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