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    Monday, August 01, 2005

    Recess Appointment

    So I read this morning that our esteemed leader went ahead with the recess appointment of John Bolton. Oh Boy! Just what we need! A guy who is on record of saying theat the UN is a worthless organization is now going to represent us there.

    Now I'll admit to being a republican, but did it ever occur to our side that the democrats may have a reason for blocking the nomination? I mean these guys were risking quite a bit to try and block this guy, including possible loss of the fillibuster. I'm sorry, but I wouldn't take that big a risk unless there was a good reason.

    So right now the Word from the UN is that they welcome the appointment of Mr. Bolton. But that is the PR front, I wonder what people really think. I mean would you be welcoming a guy with outstretched arms if he called your place of employment worthless?And how willing would you be to work with that guy?

    And then there is the stigma of a recess appointment itself. The guy could not be confirmed by the traditional means, so the president had to wait and buck the system. What kind of message is that sending? I have the feeling that he will not be taken seriously, he was handed a job that he should have had to earn.

    So recess appointment... good? bad? ugly? debate it in the comments.


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