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    Monday, September 12, 2005

    disgusting personal habits

    weren't we all taught as kids to get rid of disgusting personal habits. And then if we didn't learn to get rid of them we all gained the common sense to make them private disgusting personal habits?

    Lately I have encountered a person who didn't get the memo. *shudder*

    Warning- just so you know how bad it is I will let you know what this person is doing, so if you are easily nauseated I'd stop reading now.

    So I'm stuck in this classroom where the designers forgot that not everybody is super thin, nor kindergardner sized. Seriously I've sat in more comfortable seats in movie theaters and airplanes. And I know skinny people who don't like this room for the same reason, so it ain't just becase I'm fat.

    Well I found a seat in an acceptable location (2nd row middle) and it accepts my hips. SO that is my seat for the semester.

    Disgusting habit boy is in first row center, almost dead in front of me. So no matter how I try and ignore what he is doing it is impossible because I have to look right around him to see the professor.

    Anyway, it started several class sessions ago. He started running his fingers through his hair. Which in itself isn't bad, but can be annoying depending on arm placement when the person behind is trying to see what is being written on the board.

    But then I noticed that he's actually picking stuff out of his hair and eating it. Yes, and when the prof is more to one side of the room you can actually see him put this stuff in his mouth.

    That just makes my stomach turn circles. I have actually got to the point where I do not eat before class, by choice unlike my usual lack of time, because I fear that I will be sick if I actually have something to purge.

    But no boys and girls, that's not all. It gets worse.

    Today somebody got to class before disgusting habit boy and took his seat. So of course he sat DEAD IN FRONT OF ME. And to go along with an even slimmer chance of being able to ignore him he chose today to expand his abilities to make me queasy.

    He progressed from picking stuff out of his hair, and eating it. To picking the pimples on his face and eating the pus.

    To top all of this off it isn't like he is doing this absentmindedly. He inspects whatever he got before putting it in his mouth.


    so if you have managed to read this far without losing your lunch, what would you do? Would you try and ignore it, ask him to stop?

    And please don't suggest moving. I explained why earlier. And I am serious, the seats are that bad, I don't fit in most.


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