Random rant, and a maybe meme
Why can't we have clear communication?
Let me explain. As I got back to campus on Sunday afternoon I found what appeared to be the perfect parking spot. I could see my car from my window and since there technically wasn't a spot on the other side I wouldn't have anybody crowding my driver's side door.
So I am getting my stuff from the trunk when my RA comes running up and says that where I parked isn't a spot. I immediately say it is because I'm between yellow lines. She says no, it's not because the curb is a different color, and that the trash collectors have a hard time getting to the bin when somebody is parked there and that then cars get towed.
I respond with if that's not a spot then P-Plant should come and paint diagonal stripes so that there isn't the confusion.
She says just don't park there.
And now to the kicker... I did move my car. But since about ten minutes after I vacated the spot there has been another car there. And since yesterday the car has been a land yacht. So what happened to the it's not a spot thing?
OK, enough of that. Paint the damn lines so that people can park illegally like they do all up and down that lot.
So we all hate that word verification thing. And honestly, I don't know what these words mean. Or even in what language they're in.
Since I know that they're just a jumble of letters, let's turn them into words. In the comments tell what your "word" was, give a pronunciation (if possible) and a defination. And for an added challenge try to use it.
Why can't we have clear communication?
Let me explain. As I got back to campus on Sunday afternoon I found what appeared to be the perfect parking spot. I could see my car from my window and since there technically wasn't a spot on the other side I wouldn't have anybody crowding my driver's side door.
So I am getting my stuff from the trunk when my RA comes running up and says that where I parked isn't a spot. I immediately say it is because I'm between yellow lines. She says no, it's not because the curb is a different color, and that the trash collectors have a hard time getting to the bin when somebody is parked there and that then cars get towed.
I respond with if that's not a spot then P-Plant should come and paint diagonal stripes so that there isn't the confusion.
She says just don't park there.
And now to the kicker... I did move my car. But since about ten minutes after I vacated the spot there has been another car there. And since yesterday the car has been a land yacht. So what happened to the it's not a spot thing?
OK, enough of that. Paint the damn lines so that people can park illegally like they do all up and down that lot.
So we all hate that word verification thing. And honestly, I don't know what these words mean. Or even in what language they're in.
Since I know that they're just a jumble of letters, let's turn them into words. In the comments tell what your "word" was, give a pronunciation (if possible) and a defination. And for an added challenge try to use it.
htync- (hi-tink)- the noise made when you're playing hide and go seek and you bump into something and try to muffle the sound so as not to be found. ie: the kids were playing, and Julia was the first to be fund because Catherine heard a htync from Julia's location.
zkeyfz - (zeky-fizz) - the insane feeling you get in your nose when you go to drink a freshly opened soda, makes you shake your head as if about to sneeze.
eh, thats kinda out there.:|
lol bs it's ok that it's out there. with what we're given I exect it to be.
so since I'm commenting again here...
aeyqmq- (ache-muk) the noise you make when you step in muck. Involuntary reaction. ie: Aeyqmq! cried bill as he stepped into mud that had appeared dry.
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