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    Friday, October 28, 2005

    strange things

    So for some bizarre reason I have decided to try reading The Book of the Five Rings again. This is a book that has always interested me in some way, but I have never been able to read. It's one of those that has a knack for putting me to sleep, or confusing me.

    But it's been at least 6 years since I tried to read it last, and I decided that it was worth another go.

    Somehow I must have matured enough for the book to really start to make sense. I still don't know if I'll be able to get through it, even though it's excruciatingly short. But somehow understanding what is being said makes it less likely to put me to sleep, as long as I read it in short bursts.

    But opening it this time brought back something from the past. When I started reading it again a newspaper clipping fell out.

    It was an article about how a librarian from my HS died, and the article was written by my brother's wife (God that still feels wierd to say). This was a librarian whom all the geeks respected, and I remember that there were about half students at the funeral.

    But I don't remember trying to read this book when that happened. I mean I must have been, but I don't remember having picked up the book in a looooong time. Strange. Could be coincidence, could be something else.

    But still it's strange.


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