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    Wednesday, December 07, 2005

    Tired of Waiting

    Don't mind me, just venting a little. You can click for more if you want, but it may not be recommended even though it's just text.

    Hit another one of my lonely spells tonight. I don't know if it's the holidays, or my usual mood swings. It's not bad yet, at least I haven't felt like crying for no reason. But if it keeps going this way I may get there before going to bed.

    One of the worst things about being single and hating it is the 'advice' from married (or sometimes practically married) people. It's almost as if the unhappy single people aren't allowed to express their discontent in public. And the 'advice' is always the same line.

    "Give it time, you'll meet someone"

    and then they promptly change the subject.

    Well, I'm tired of waiting. I get lonely waaaayy to easy, and there are days when I just want to cuddle up to someone.

    Of course if you ever get past that first line, then the next is usualy... "then do the asking, don't wait for them to come to you."

    Tried that... been burned. You learn not to do that after you scare off about the third guy friend. Sometimes the friendships are too important to risk in that fashion.

    And that brings me back to where I am... lonely.

    I could ramble some more about that, but I won't it's just more of the same words in a different package.

    But to you married people out there... I don't want to hear either of those lines again right now. So don't even think of using them in the comments.


    Blogger Bsoholic said...

    Sorry to hear that you're sad. :(

    I hope it gets better for you! :hugs:

    2:50 PM  

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