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    Wednesday, January 18, 2006

    Since BS Asked...

    Since BS asked, the games I have so far are final fantasy X and Kingdom Hearts. I also have final fantasy IX, which I have had for a while. I just didn't have a way to play it until now.

    I spent about 3 hours playing KH last night. I've kinda got mixed emotions about it, mostly because I'm having to start over.

    To clarify, I had been more than half way through this incredibly long game before Luke and I split up. And since I didn't have a memory card of my own if my save game still exists from then he has it with him. Maybe I can borrow the card for long enough to find out next time I see him.

    I think the hardest part of buying this system so close to the release of the PS3 is bulding up a games collection. Most of the games I want are actually PSone format, and getting harder to find every day. And then since I play mostly RPG's, I would also want the strategy guides for them. There are some games I cannot imagine using a strategy guide for (The Sims), and then there are the RPG's where you could spend hours trying to figure something out and actually use the guides, not to mention the bonus goodies.

    That's a lot of money, that I don't have.

    At the same time... I am actually happy with my purchase. This is my first new system in close to 7 years. The last system I bought was a snes, and that got sold to my brother when me and Luke moved in together. And until this the only system that I still had was my sega genesis (blast from the past).

    I guess here soon I'll have to make a run to hastings and to game places to peruse the used games sections. At least that'll help a little. Unfortunately I don't think I've ever seen used guides with the games. I hope I'm wrong, since nowadays the guides for those games are more expensive than the games themselves.

    In the meanwhile... maybe my amazon ads will start to get some traffic.


    Blogger Bsoholic said...

    (I missed this post)

    Right on! My sister is a huge Final Fantasy fan, she plays them on the computer though with the MMORPG format, with like everyone in the country. LOL

    I have the Sims 2 for my computer, but I haven't played it in a while. I got kinda burnt out on it.

    I do want a playstation though, as I like playing games better on it than a computer. I used to have a PS2 but my ex roomates stole the damn thing. I might just wait to get a PS3 though, that should be exciting.

    8:24 AM  

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