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    Saturday, March 18, 2006


    busy, busy, busy...That's how this whole past week has been.

    On monday afternoon we got an early buy in. The initial portion of it consisted of about 2 pallets of assorted stuff. I was glad that I had already reorganized the back room to make a space for some of the stuff that wouldn't fit out onto the shelves. But it still took a reorganization of the front in order to get it to fit. And there was still close to another pallet load on backorder.

    It took me until tues. afternoon to get the store organized enough to have all the initial boxes either out on the shelves or in the back, and I still had to input the order into the computer.

    Which I started to do on wednesday. Then the boss called, with a request to do the most loathesome job imaginable... collections calls. I got lucky, I got about half machines, and the other half were fairly cool with me calling. But I absolutely hate doing that. Maybe that's why I was told about the raise I'm getting right before they asked me to make the calls. Cushion the blow a bit.

    Oh yeah... raise! I'm back up to the Santa Fe minimum wage. My raise was for a whole dollar an hour, which brings me up to $9.50/hr. Of course that's the Santa Fe minimum wage for companies with more than 25 employees and a couple of other conditions, but I don't feel bad about making less here. I mean where else could I practically surf the internet all day with the owners knowledge and still keep both my job and not get reprimanded.

    I've also been told that I'm officially the manager here. But the only person I'm managing is myself. I think I got the title because there was no one else to give it to.

    On to thurs. Collections calls made I finished getting the first part of the early buy into the computer. And then the rest of it came up that afternoon. So more unpacking, pricing and figuring out where things were going to go.

    I finally got a chance to rest yesterday, and by then I didn't want to even think about updating my blogs.

    In other news... I'm still running two stores. Hank's (the guy who usually runs the water store) wife is getting better after her stoke, but she is still paralyzed on one side. Of course running two stores doesn't mean much except I will probably end up with overtime hours. Not much, probably only three or four, but... eh. I only accumulate those because it takes longer to close two stores, and I have to work every saturday instead of every other.

    Finally, I have familly coming out to visit this next week. My grandfather and a cousin are coming for spring break. The cousin is bringing a friend. I don't know exactly how I feel about all of this. I'm looking foward to seeing my grandpa, and even slightly my cousin. But I don't knwo about this friend, and I've learned to grow wary of some of my relatives from that side of the family. Guess knowing that the real father of the cousin is in prison, and the older brother is in juvie makes me nervous. I'm also not looking foward to a week of a smoke filled house and tv blaring at obscene hours.

    I'll have to keep a good eye on my babies. Smoke is really bad for birds, really really bad. Also really bad for electronics.

    Oh well, now just to see how everything goes.



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