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    Tuesday, April 05, 2005


    I'm doing much better today. I actually got some sleep last night so I don't feel like I am in an absolute fog today.

    I had some company so that is why this post is going up so late. Not as if I had anything too say today anyway so that is probably a good thing.

    So before I get the next section of the story pasted I would like to ask for feedback on it. The way that today's section turned out felt wierd to me and I am not sure if I like it or not. So tell me what you think.

    Anyway that is all I have for today. So here is the next section of the story:


    Maureen started having the dreams that same night. Even though they possibly should not be called dreams, but memories.


    Her name was Sarah. It was late and she was getting tired. Still, she held the rifle close. It was her job to protect the family while her husband was gone.

    The manor was in Georgia, but she had heard rumors that the Yankees were approaching.

    A hand touched her shoulder. “Ma, you should go to bed. I don’t think that the Yank’s are gonna show up tonight.”

    “I’m fine, Peter. You go and make sure your sisters are ready for bed now.”

    “When will Papa be home?”

    “When this war of Northern Aggression is over.”

    Sarah thought back to when she was first wed. Peter was just a babe then, barely six months old. It was a miracle that he had survived. It had been a difficult birth, and his mother had died only hours after he was born. He had been weak until he was almost two years old, and had nearly died from disease himself. Now he was a strong lad, and if the war continued she would watch him leave for the front in a year or two.

    Just then she saw movement in the brush. One of her slaves came running out from the brush. “Missus Dawson, Missus Dawson.”

    “What is it, boy?”

    “Dogs, Missus Dawson. Dogs trying to get in with the chickens. Probably in the coop by now.”

    “Mama?” asked Peter.

    “You go inside now. Make sure your sisters are in bed. I’ll be back soon.”

    With that she headed off toward the chicken coop. Sure enough dogs had gotten into the coop. The foreman had done chores like this before the war started. Now, with as many men as could be found fighting, it was her job.

    Taking aim, she fired.


    Swords met with a metallic clang.

    Seeing an opening she broke off. Anticipating the next move of her opponent, she whirled. Her blade stopped just shy of her opponents stomach.

    “You’re getting better.”

    “I should hope so. I have one of the best swordsmen in the country teaching me.”

    “Yes, and I shouldn’t be. Women shouldn’t fight, that is the job of men.”

    “And what if the men are gone?”

    Rather than answer her opponent attacked.


    The phone was ringing. Maureen sat up, realizing that it had rang a couple of times before she woke up.

    Picking it up she couldn’t even answer before a small voice cut in.


    “Is that how we say hello? By screaming into another person’s ear?”


    “Hello, Karen. How is Grandma’s?”

    “GREAT!! We went to the zoo, anwe went to a ‘musement park, anwe went to the beach an I got to feed the ducks.”

    “That’s great, honey. Is your dad around?”

    “DADDY!!!” Maureen heard Karen yelling.

    Soon another voice came on the line. “Hi, gorgeous.”

    “Hi, Scott. So since when do you let your daughter use the phone by herself?”

    “It wasn’t my idea. My mother called, I didn’t even know who she was calling until I heard Karen yelling.”


    “So are you ready two get two little terrors back in place of your well-behaved children?”

    “Not yet. Let your mother spoil them for a few more days, we both know that she’ll love it and the kids will have a good time as well.”

    “And you? Are you dying of loneliness yet?”

    “No. In fact, I actually have some company of my own right now.”

    “Really? Who?”

    “Just an old friend from high school. He was headed out this way and got the address from my parents.”

    “He? An old boyfriend?” Scott kidded.

    “Yep, you know it. We’re just having a grand old time without you, too,” Maureen kidded right back.

    “Well you have fun. I’ve gotta go, we’re planning another all day outing. I’ll talk to you later.”

    “Love you too, Mr. Busy.”



    Maureen hung up the phone. Turning to go get dressed, she was startled to see Julius sleeping in the chair next to the bed.

    Laying her hand gently on his shoulder, she asked, “You okay?”

    Julius woke up and looked at her. “Fine, much better than yesterday.”

    “Good, because I think we shall see some changes today.”


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