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    Friday, April 22, 2005

    On gay rights

    This weekend in Santa Fe we are expecting a hate group that poses as a church to come and protest the acceptance of gays in Santa Fe.

    This hate group is going to protest outside churches that are accepting of gays, and then protest outside of city government buildings for the same reason.

    I have talked with different people about this, and except for those that are against gay rights most say that it is absolutely disgusting that people would come from another state, and set of ideals, to protest the feelings of another community. Even those who are uncomfortable with gays feel that the actions of this group are wrong.

    Here is my opinionated part. I am all for gay rights. There is no reason why they cannot be afforded the same rights as the rest of society. If not marriage then at least legal civil unions, these people are only looking to express their devotion to each other. Why should we deny them that?

    Now for the really opinionated part! This applies to anybody who thinks that gays shouldn't exist, and then quotes the bible to prove it.

    What I have read of the bible says, in short, that god created everything. God even made Satan, therefore anything that Satan creates still had to have gone through god at some point. Thus, if God made everything, he made Gays too. If he made them he obviously doesn't have a problem with them, otherwise they wouldn't exist in the first place. Simplified what I just said is: If God doesn't want gays then they wouldn't have existed in the first place.

    Now, before I get hate mail for the rest of my life... The story continues.


    Maureen had set up a cot for Julius to sleep on, but he wasn’t ready to use it yet.

    Instead, he decided that he had better set some protections in place. Especially since they were moving onto magic use.

    He walked around the perimeter of Maureen’s property. He didn’t sense any problems, but it was better to check.

    Once he was sure that there was no interference already present he started his task.

    He started by setting the perimeter for the magical wards that was necessary for defense. If anybody came into the ward’s area with intent to harm himself or Kyra they would instantly find themselves the victim of an automatic attack.

    Just slightly beyond the defense perimeter he set the alarm wards. These would be the first alert system that somebody was coming. He would be aware if somebody crossed the wards, and he would teach Kyra how to detect as well, but hopefully all but the strongest magicians wouldn’t even know that they were there.

    He then set other defenses that could be used if necessary. He doubted that they would be used though. If somebody was able to get through the first two without notice then he and Kyra probably wouldn’t have enough time to set off the others before they were deep in battle.

    Satisfied with the alarm system he checked for things that could become hazards when one dealt with magical battles.

    He cleared out the dead brush and leaves; things that would burn easily if a fireball hit them. He then cleared the space of small gravel and anything else that might be easily picked up by wind. He didn’t see anything that could cause trouble if frozen and not much could be done about an earth attack.

    Work completed he started to head back toward the house. Then a noise from the brush caught his attention. He turned back to face it.

    A black clad figure stepped from the shadows. Julius studied the figure for a moment, then walked toward the figure and embraced it in a bear hug.

    “Claudius! What are you doing here?”

    “Checking up on you.”

    “Why?” Julius asked with a smile. “Do the powerful think that I need checking up on?”

    “Not at all! Our side just wants to check on her progress. Jack is becoming impatient and their side is being forced to step up preparations. Our biggest concern at this point is how Kyra will perform. We still need her after the battle.”

    Julius turned away.

    “You haven’t told her yet,” Claudius accused. “You haven’t told her, and she has no idea that this battle is only the beginning.”

    Julius turned to face his friend.

    “She has a family, she has dreams and ambitions that existed before she ever met me. Now I have to break all of those dreams just so that she can fight in some pointless war? It’s hard enough to look at her and know that there still exists the possibility that Jack could kill her. You want to add to that the repeated possibility of her death just so good or evil can proclaim victory?”

    Julius turned away again.

    “You knew when you volunteered what you were up against. You knew what she would face, and what would happen if she won.”

    “I know…”

    “Then why don’t you tell her?”

    Julius turned again to face his friend. “What does it matter?” he shouted. “If she loses, she dies, and will not know of the impact to our side. If she wins…”

    He quieted. “If she wins, she, along with everybody else, will be caught up in the Great War. The war to decide between good and evil. Would you want to know your importance in that war?”


    “Then why must she know?”

    “Because that’s the way that they want it.”

    Defeated, Julius sighed and hung his head.

    “Julius, don’t let your feelings for her get in the way of your mission. No matter how careful you are, you cannot protect her. You would only die trying. I know that you loved her once, we all know that, but you must fulfill your mission. The Kyra that you loved died long ago, and you said it yourself, she has a family. I know that you want to protect her, but she would want to protect them. The only way that she can truly do that is by knowing the truth.”

    Julius smiled at his friend. “You are right, she does deserve to know what will happen. However, it is still too soon. I shall tell her within a few days, but I need to prepare her more.”

    “Fair enough.”

    Claudius fell silent for a moment.

    “What is it, Claudius? What disturbs your normally peaceful thoughts?”

    “One of ours was sent to spy on Jack, an elf named Lieto. Jack captured him. He has put himself into a trance for now, and managed to get out some telepathic messages, but he will surely die.”

    “Lieto, I believe that I met him once. Young, but talented. Send my condolences to the family.”

    “We already have, but don’t you want to know what information we have on Jack?”



    “Because if I know I may not train her properly. I may focus on one area instead of thoroughly training her. I cannot allow that.”

    Claudius merely nodded his understanding.

    “I must go now. Time moves different on the other side, and I feel the sun will soon shine its first rays of the new day.”

    “Take care, old friend.”

    “You as well.”

    Claudius started walking back toward the brush. Just before he reached it he turned. “Oh, and Julius…”


    “You look better than I thought you would. I would have thought you half-starved by now. This will make you look even better.” He then tossed a small bag at Julius. Smiling he turned and disappeared just before he would have entered the brush.

    Julius looked at the bag and was greeted with a familiar smell. Opening it he decided that he would have kissed the other vamp if he hadn’t already left.

    He re-closed the bag, which held bloodroot and headed back into the house.


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hey Jen,
    I'm way behind reading your stuff since I haven't had a chance to be online for the past several days.

    Don't worry too much about the title, it will come to you eventually. You could simply call it Fate or Fated until it his you.

    I agree with you about the out-of-staters. But that sort of tactic will probably breed resentment toward their so-called church, so they are only hurting their own cuase. I'm all for people who hate demenstrating becuase everybody gets to see who they really are.

    7:16 PM  

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