A release for whatever pops into my head. Come back often for a dose of my opinion. Don't forget to check out Bumpersticker Rant, my other blog.

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    Wednesday, June 22, 2005


    Really don't know what to say today. Have been bad, and not written much since my awesome run over the weekend.

    In the meanwhile I have been working with the cafepress templates and uploading art for bumpersticker rant. hope that here soon I will be satisfied and ready to just let the store go on it's own for a while.

    I am waiting to hear from my publisher again. I think that the internet connection problems have hit there again. Hope it clears up soon, I would like to know what it going on.

    So with nothing much else to say I think I will post my opinions on a hot button issue.

    My views on Abortion.

    So to start off... Most people on either side would consider me a fence sitter. I am against abortion, but I do have some exceptions where I see the necessity.

    Now I am not against abortion for such high-minded ideals as religion. I do not follow the "God gave you this child..." nonsense. I am against it because of self-control and responsibility reasons.

    My reasoning is that there are a number of commercially available contrceptives. If a person doesn't want to get pregnant, but doesn't use contraceptives it really is there own fault. Any girl with a choice should just say no if there isn't some contraceptive use. And if the condom fails, then there is the morning after pill. Don't wait until you know that there's something there. I hear the pro-choice group use the excuse that it is her choice and her body, I say exactly. Don't have sex unless the contraceptive is there, it is your body girls and you have the right to say no rubber means no lover.

    Now this bring us to my first exception... rape. If a girl is raped then she should not be forced to carry that child if she doesn't want to. I consider that double punishment.

    Another reason I am against abortion is that there are many people willing to adopt infants. And last time I heard there are waiting lists for infants. Now I consider it a shame that with waiting list for some adoptions there are older children who will never know the comfort of a stable home. But there is no reason for an abortion when there is somebody who would love that child.

    Not quite a good a segway... but the next exception is extrenuating circumstances. The example I will use is the 13 year old firl from Florida. She had my two other biggest reasons, medical and lifestyle. At thirteen it would have been extremely dangerous for that girl to carry a baby to term. I see no reason to deny an abortion if just carrying presents the possibility of death in this day and age. Medical advances have reduced the danger for most women, but if there is the possibility that the baby could kill the mother, then I see no point in the loss of two lives.

    Which leads us to my last exception. Some people could not imagine giving up their baby. If they carry the child then they would want to keep them, but they know that they do not have the resouces to support a child. That thirteen year old was heard on tape saying that she knew she could not support the child. In some other circumstances I would argue that the whole contraceptive idea could be applied, but at that age she couldn't have even bought them.

    Now with all of that said... I have issues with actually making abortion illegal. Whether we are against or for it we all have to realize that it will happen. If it is illegal than it will become a black market procedure. This will make it a dangerous procedure rather than the standardized procedure that it is today. There would be many deaths because of badly done abortions, and I think the death toll would be unaceptable.

    SO after all of this I will say that the best strategy will probably be education. We need to get over the victorian attitudes in this country and actually talk about sex. This is not an issue that can be ignored. We have rapid spreading of STD's and education is the only way that we can put a stop to some of these problems.

    I hope that I don't get hate mail from this. I feel that my stance is probably understandable at least on some level to both sides of this issue.


    Blogger _Eve_ said...

    I couldn't agree with you more, and I couldn't have said it better myself.

    12:33 PM  
    Blogger Phoenixwaller said...

    Blogbrethe those are exactly the reasons why I feel that education is the most important tool that we have.

    And as much as I am against it I would not interefere with another woman's choice. There was one time that I had to take another person to get the abortion, I told her that it was her choice. But I would not take her a second time, after the first time I made sure she knew that if there wasn't a contraceptive in use it was her own fault.

    3:58 PM  

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