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    Thursday, August 11, 2005


    So the topic of illegal immigration has been rollercoastering through the news lately. Since we are in a down slope I feel that now is a good time to express my opinion on the issue. Now keep in mind that I mostly refer to those from the south of us... ie: Mexicans.

    Probably the biggest lame excuse I hear about why we should stop illegal immigration is that they 'steal jobs.' Hmmm, they aren't taking my job, and I don't want the jobs that illegal immigrants do take. So for those of you complaining about all the lost jobs... go get in line for these: standing in septic tanks to troubleshoot problems, washing dishes in restaurants, and the big winner... migrant farm worker moving around depending on the season and spending all day bent over picking vegetables.

    Yeah, I thought so.

    So on to the next lame excuse. Terrorism! Illegal immigrants are terrorists. Hmmm, we didn't call them that before 9-11, so how come the sudden switch. Last I checked the reason they were coming here was so that they could make money. So if they went to the middle east and took the terrorism training course wouldn't that have cost money that they didn't have in the first place?

    Hmm another myth debunked.

    So lame excuse #3. They take away resources. Now this one can have some truth to it. There are a number of immigrants who are ghosts in the system, and they are therefore not subject to the taxes that the rest of us are. This means that we pay for their children to go to school and we pay their medical expenses. So to that I say let's get these people legalized. Then they will be subject to the same rules as the rest of us, and then won't be a drain on the system.


    So you all don't think I am totally brainwashed. I do realize that there are a number of true problems.

    Language: Yes there is a language barrier, and I do believe that they need to learn at least some basics of English. If they're going to live here, and try to actually fit into society, they need to make that effort.

    Problem people: Like all people there are the good, and then there are the bad. I have met a number of illegl people in my life who are hard workers and have come here to make a better life for themselves and their families. But I have also heard of those others. You know, the ones who work only as much as they need in order to get shitfaced or high, the ones who cause problems and then run back over the border in order to escape our laws.

    Now I'm not saying in any way that illegal immigration is a good thing. I think that these people should have to go through the system like everybody else. But it's not the downfall of society that some claim it is.


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