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    Friday, August 12, 2005

    License plates and Gimp

    So I've been thinking about licesne plates lately, and specifically front plates.

    Now I live in a state that doesn't require front plates, but there are several nearby states that do. Now I know the official reason for requiring front plates is probably something like for the cops to be able to identify the status of a car coming toward them. But I think the real reason is so that when these people leave their state those front plates act as a warning to the unfortunate people who are in front of them.

    I'll admit that the people in my state drive like loons, but geez... the visitors can drive even worse. Maybe these people can't get used to driving in relatively light traffic, maybe they think that we like them riding our asses, maybe they think that our cops won't ticket them because they are out of state. For whatever reason out of state drivers can be worse than the locals.

    What's even worse is that you can tell how they will try to intimidate you by the front plate that is racing up behind you. Someone from California will ride your ass so close that you can't see their headlights, while someone from Colorado will swerve like a drunkard trying to find which side to pass you on. Texans are probably the easiest to deal with, they ride your ass until they see an opening and then kick up dust at your car as they race around.

    The upside to all of those... somehow those people at least know how to use turn signals, unlike those from here.

    So how can you tell drivers from other states where you live?

    And onto the other topic in the title... Gimp.

    I've been playing with Gimp again the past few days, and I created a few designs that I like. So I did what any addict would do, I uploaded them to cafe press in a new shop called space dreams. I'll probably add more over the next few days as I make more designs. But it's neat to be able to make design that I like so easily, especially since I can't draw.

    So enough for today. Have a nice weekend everybody.


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