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    Thursday, September 22, 2005

    High Heels

    My feet are killing me.

    I ended up wearing high heeled sandals to the career fair, and while I feel that I looked better for it I am still not used to walking around in those things.

    But they had a better turn out than in years past, IMHO. Quite a few smaller companies that could afford to talk with us and tell us what was going on rather than rush us through because the line was growing longer by the second.

    And there was one place that was real excited because I'm A chemical Engineering Major that's planing to graduate in December. They were excited enough to ask for an unofficial copy of my transcripts. WHich of course they grimaced over, but they said that my information would still be passed on. w00t!

    Anyway after that I had to rush to get to class, and I honestly still haven't had a good meal. And since beadmaking had been cancelled yesterday I was able to do that today rather than try and figure out a new piece for fusing.

    Which is good, because I still have no clue as to what to choose next.

    Anyway, my mind has kinda turned to slush right now. So that's enough.



    Blogger Bsoholic said...

    Get a good meal for crying out loud! :)

    6:39 AM  

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