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    Friday, September 16, 2005

    We're making a mockery of ourselves.

    Here I go on the whole 'Intelligent design' bit again.

    SO in my readings this morning I came across this article. Some nobel laureates are teaming up to show that they are against some of the proposed measures to implement ID in schools.

    Good is what I was thinking. Surely some of the most respected scientists in the world would be able to get something across to the bible thumpers.

    But this one line in the article really got me p.o.'d. While talking to reporters about the letter the chairman of the school board said that he was unmoved by the letter. His reason...

    "I don't think anything should be taught as dogma," Abrams told the Lawrence Journal-World.


    What dogma? These are proven scientific theories, that can be repeated to show how it works. These are FACTS! Of all the science out there, Darwin's theories are some of the most stable because they don't require conjecture based on the unknown. We can see and decode the DNA, we can watch natural selection in nature. We can even track the changes to see how things happened to change the world around us.

    Of course... we can't forget that this is the same state that gave us Phelps and his band of psychos.

    So maybe it is just a location problem.

    But to keep me from going off on a complete raving, lunatic rant. I'll make some predictions for the State of Kansas if they insist on this path. In roughly 12-20 years you will...

    • see science based industries suddenly looking for new locations outside of the state.
    • see your students having a harder time in science fields, especially biology, while in college
    • see outside industries bypass the state when looking to set up shop due to low levels of proplerly trained personnel
    • become the base for christain fundamentalists, who will only make things worse
    let's see if I'm right.


    Blogger Bsoholic said...

    I'll put money on you being right!

    11:20 AM  

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