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    Sunday, September 18, 2005


    So I was going through the news when I came across this article.


    I mean it's just incredible. But honestly I would have to consider myself a fence sitter on a topic like this. At least for now.

    The potential benefits are absolutely incredible. Patients that have been disfigured bad enough for this to be a viable option would see a dramatic increase in quality of life if the procedure works.

    But then there are the problems. Anti-rejection drugs, the knowledge of wearing the skin of another person's face, and the psychological implications.

    Then there are the potential benefits to science, even if they only do one and then decide that it is not right to continue. The has the potential to advance the science of transplants and probably some other areas as well.

    Anyway, we won't know everything until it is decided to be done or not. But that they are even seriously considering this is incredible.


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