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    Friday, November 04, 2005

    Shoving Religion down our Throat

    So I came across this article during my daily news routine.

    Now I have found myself upset over this particular law firm before for the one line we frequently hear from them. "... a group whose mission, as explained on its Web site, is "to protect Christians and their religious beliefs in the public square."

    Of course this upsets me because by protecting the rights of christians, the firm in question is trampling the rights of everybody else, or at least advocating it.

    I don't know of anybody who is going into churches and pushing the preacher aside and calling everybody fools for believing in God, but these nutjobs want to go into schools and deny what I believe in. Science!

    Whatever happened to freedomn of religion? I ask because if these people win we will have none. We will all be forced to listen to christian dogma no matter what our beliefs.

    That really seems to be the goal of these people.

    And of course since we have the fundamentalists who want to bring the country back to the stone age backing these people up.

    What's worse is that even the Vatican is calling for another direction. As is evidenced in this article.

    I am starting to fear that this trend will make us no better in 20 years than the countries in the middle east that we keep trying to change into a democracy. We scorn these countries for having religious law, but that is exactly what some groups in our country are trying to turn the US into.

    Fundamentalism is dangerous in any religion, and yet it is growing here.

    SO to those of us still in our right minds... Beware the Sheeple.


    Blogger Bsoholic said...

    LOL - maybe we should start going in to churches and calling them fools, and teaching them our ways. Hahaha! It'd be fun none-the-less. ;)

    2:04 PM  
    Blogger Phoenix said...

    On a similar note, those commercials on tv annoy me that are for the 'Christian children fund' etc and they show the faces of underprivileged/maimed children and ask for donations.
    I ask, why have a Christian's or Hindu or Muslim children fund foundation??? Why not simply a Childrens fund?? What's the difference?? How long will it take people to understand that your religion by birth is NOT what you are...it is what your inner being is!

    8:02 PM  

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