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    Monday, March 20, 2006

    RAM and wh I couldn't date a smoker

    I know... those two topics have nothing to do with each other. But those are what I'm talking about today.

    I'll start with the RAM. I need more. My laptop has 512 mb of RAM, and when I bought it I though that it would be enough. Of course when I bought this laptop I never foresaw that I would be getting into 3d art. Heck, I didn't even think I'd use GIMP as much as I do. But here I am, with one scene that I can't position right nor render because I finally overloaded the ram when trying to work with it.

    I guess that I should mention that I really am enjoying playing with the 3d art. Since I can't draw, but get stuck with these scenes in my head it is a nice thing to be able to get it out and looking the way I want.

    Anyway, right now I'm thinking of taking my laptop up to 2 gigs of RAM. Of course that'll take me probably 2 months to save up for. I roughly priced laptop ram a few days ago and it look like it'll be close to $200 for each 1 gig stick.

    On to the other subject, why i couldn't date a smoker.

    ANybody who read my saga from my last post knows that my grandfather is now in town visiting. And I think I mentioned that the man smokes like a chimney.

    Well I had pretty much known that I would emotionally have a hard time dating a smoker because I've lost one grandparent on each side due to smoking induced lung cancer. And I just couldn't set myself up for that pain in my later life if it were to ever go beyond dating.

    Well as I'm absolutely miserable today from the second hand smoke I can safely reaffirm my conviction not to date a smoker. It was a relief to go to work today, it meant that I got to get away from the smoke.

    If anybody's wondering if it's that bad... yes, it is. He rolled into twon about half past noon yesterday, and by one I was already coughing and my allergies (which were starting but not horrible yet) were in overdrive and my head felt like it was filled with fog. I even had worse sleep than usual beause I was breathing all that crap in the air.

    Of course the worst was when I was trying to eat dinner. There was no escape, and I get semi-nauseous (sp?) when there's smoke around me when I eat. So even though I was really hungry I ate almost nothing. After a few minutes I couldn't force anything else in me without being sick from the smoke.

    Even though I love my grandpa, I'm now counting down the days until I can breathe again.


    Blogger Bsoholic said...

    Yikes! I wonder if that's how my relativs feel about me?

    7:54 AM  
    Blogger Phoenixwaller said...

    I hope not BS.

    But there are a number of things I should clarify for you. I don't think it would be so bad, except he smokes so much that it would be impossible to ask him to even take it outside. He has the next one lit as he's taking the last puff of the old one.

    I have other relatives who do go outside to smoke since my family doesn't, and since it's not filling up the house it's a lot easier to deal with.

    It's funny what I do different though when he or a couple of other heavy smokers I know are around. Like I pay closer attention to my birds' breathing, and I don't turn on computers unless I have to (the tar and stuff gets pulled in by the fan and that shit fucks up the boards).

    Honestly though, if it worries you the best thing to do is ask.

    10:38 AM  

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