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    Tuesday, July 05, 2005

    Black shakes

    I'm feeling the first signs of technology overload. Maybe it's fighting the code for the new torn info page, maybe it's because I don't unplug anymore.

    I thought that getting a laptop would allow me to write more, and it has. But with wireless access I end up spending all day waiting for email and surfing the blogosphere.

    Unfortunately I think that I am starting to get information overload, and I find myself getting irritable when information doesn't flow as fast as I would like it to.

    I've decided that I need to slow down. I need to unplug for at least a few hours a day. I don't know exactly how I am going to do this yet, but I need to bring myself back down to earth before I burn out.

    wish me luck. The internet is an addicting thing, and while I'm not going cold turkey It'll be hard to resist the urge to surf.


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