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    Thursday, July 07, 2005

    I really should get up earlier...

    I didn't find out about the London attacks until I got to work this morning. Most people around me knew before they came in because they watch the news in the morning.

    So I'll admit that I'm not a praying person... but I do send my prayers out to the victims and their families. This was an atrocity and terrorists should realize that acts like this only strengthen our resolve, not make us cower.

    On the flip side... we need to make sure that we don't lose more of our freedoms because of this. I read that the color on transport was raised in response to this attack.

    Allowing our freedoms to be taken away in response to these things only lets the terrorists win. We hear the spin that these terror tactics are an attack on our freedoms, but when the freedoms are taken away in the name of "national security" we let them win.

    Pray for the recovery of the living, and for the families.


    Blogger AVA said...

    you don't need to get up earlier, tunning in the news while driving to work will probably do.
    This was a very unfortunate and unexpected event. I was so sad to hear about it.

    10:54 AM  

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