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    Tuesday, September 27, 2005

    stuff, stuff and more stuff

    Ugh, I'm trying to figure everything out with this new web page stuff. There are soo many options and different things that I can do, and I feel like I won't ever figure it all out.

    And of course, since I'm not hosting with yahoo I have to change the DNS settings to point to my hosting service. It wouldn't be a problem, but they way yahoo has it set up is confusing. I can change the nameservers easily, but the IP addressing isn't right there, and right now I'm hoping that editing the a record is a good thing.

    Side note: mere hours after I purchased my domain for 2 year at $4.98/year... yahoo went and lowered the price again, to $2.99. Go figure.

    On to other stuff... I really need to get the next post up in community book project, I just still don't know where I want to take it. I'll have to think about it some, and then just get it out.

    Spent three hours in line for apples on saturday, but they're worth it. Mmmmmm, aaaapppllles.

    And that's about all I can think of for now. Catch ya'll later.


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