A release for whatever pops into my head. Come back often for a dose of my opinion. Don't forget to check out Bumpersticker Rant, my other blog.

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    Wednesday, November 09, 2005

    Bumperstickerrant Needs you!

    So I've been discouraged with the visitor counts for Bumper Sticker rant lately. They are sporadic at best, and oftentimes I have fewer than 10 unique visitors per day. Some days that number drops to less than five. More the latter lately.

    But I also believe that my little pet project will work out if I can give it some time to develop. So I'm not willing to drop the project yet. And since I bought the domain name I plan to at least play with it for a couple of years.

    Here's the deal. I'm taking a short break from posting on Bumpersticker rant. This will allow me to seperate myself from the project a little and try and determine the best way to go foward.

    What I'm looking for is for people to take a look at the site and give some feedback on how it can be better. I'm fairly open to suggestions.

    I'd also like to gather an opinion as to whether people feel that the bumpersticker pictures are better or the linked images from online so that people can buy the stickers are better.

    So if you've never stopped by the rant please do so and help me make it better. And if you would rather use a feed than visit each day the feed is http://bumperstickerrant.blogspot.com/atom.xml


    Blogger Bsoholic said...

    I would like to be a contribitor to the posts, as I love bumper sticker humor, however I don't feel right about taking pictures of peoples bumpers. I am a little worried someone would freak out on me if they caught me in the act.

    How do you get away with it?

    7:48 PM  
    Blogger Phoenixwaller said...

    Actually I just tell them what it's for. I've only had one funny look, and a whole bunch of other excited people. I also started crrying some vista print business cards to leave after taking pics to try and get people to visit. But that can be hit or miss I've found out.

    9:38 PM  
    Blogger Bsoholic said...

    Ah well that is cool then. I dunno though, people here are pretty uptight. It might be worth a try though...

    8:03 AM  

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