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    Thursday, July 07, 2005

    I wonder what tomorrow will bring.

    I was bad, and I was an internet junkie all day.

    I really should have been doing something else, like writing. But whenever there is big news I turn into an info addict. I refresh news pages every few minutes even though know that nothing has changed, and I move from one page to the next in an attempt to get as much information as possible.

    Not good for somebody who was already on the fringe of overload. Therefore if any of you notice me overinflating your counters tomorrow give me a slap on the wrist. I don't need to check for updates that often, and whatever you say will still be there later.

    So to occupy the comments section of this post... If you were given one wish, and you could do anything except ask for more wishes what would you use it for? Would you do something for yourself, or would you do something for somebody else?


    Blogger Phoenixwaller said...

    wow. I would never even have considered something so useful. One could only imagine what could be learned with that ability.

    10:09 AM  

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