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    Friday, July 08, 2005

    Promoting Torn

    So Torn is my first book, I've never done this whole promotion thing before. I have some ideas, but maybe some of you have other ideas that I never even considered. So I figured I'd run some of my ideas through here, and see what I forgot.

    1. website- good, at the end of a geocities string, but being poor free is all I can afford right now. Finally got some of the html worked out the way I like it. Check it out, see what you think. Lemme know.

    2. Appearances- I need more info on dates and what nots, but I figured that the appearance goes with the territory. Any input on streamlining the process, especially since I may (most likely) be having to do this around a school schedule.

    3. promotional goodies- another cafepress store anyone? They've got a decent supply of options, any favorites?

    4. shameless self promotion- business cards, and at least letting newspapers know of my existence. I figured that at least the student newspaper at school would blurb it.

    So anybody else have any other ideas, or ways of streamlining or implementing what I already have? I figured I might as well be thinking about it now rather than in the middle of homework.


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