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    Friday, July 08, 2005


    I'm tired this morning.

    I stayed up last night to watch nightline, I figured that it would be a good program. I wasn't disappointed.

    We all know what that topic of discussion was. But instead of body counts and the horror of it all they discussed why things like this were happening. They had a former IRA member, a political scientist and Richard Clarke. It was pretty good. One of the guests said flat out that we don't have a clue. We've been misled with the whole " they hate our freedoms" bit. He said what those of us who watch what;s going know. It's all in the policy... the foreign policy. He said as long as we continue on the path we're on stuff like this will comtinue to happen.

    Go dude.

    The program was ended with a live shot from London, where they were already saying "business as usual"

    Go London.

    Hopefully I can write today.


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