A release for whatever pops into my head. Come back often for a dose of my opinion. Don't forget to check out Bumpersticker Rant, my other blog.

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    Thursday, February 23, 2006


    I've been horribly tired this past week. I think it got started on monday when I didn't get home until nearly one in the morning and then didn't get enough sleep.

    Since then it's seemed to spiral, and while I thought I got enough sleep last night I find myself just horribly tired today.

    In other news... I'm ready to actually make a clickable link for Dreams in Digital Art. I still have a lot of work to do with it, but I have a few things up. And once I stop playing with the software for making gallery images and get to making images that I'd offer for sale again I'll have even more to offer.

    It's funny, but I can actually see an improvement in the art from when I started too now. And I haven't even been playing with the software for a month yet. I would have thought that it'd take me longer than that to see an improvement in my own work.

    Finally, it's thursday, and I need to mention that I don't have an HNT image up. I'm thinking of ending my participation in HNT. I may go back to it later, but for now, with all the other stuff I'm piling on myself I think I need a break. Of course I don't know for sure yet, but I'm thinking I'll post a farewell to HNT pic next week.

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    Tuesday, February 14, 2006

    Domains, and movies, ad gas prices... Oh My!

    This is liable to be a long post. SO in interests of reading I'll try to seperate the rambling by topic.


    So I bought another domain over the weekend. I have been having enough fun with the 3d art stuff that I decided that I might as well sell prints and stuff, and since it really has more of a theme than my mishmash PD store I decided to just create another store just for those things.

    Anyhow, I'm still getting it set up, but the domain is dreamsindigitalart.com. I hope to have it looking nice by the end of the week.


    Somebody lent my parents a movie called Martial Law. I ended up watching it saturday night. And while I must say that there were many things about the movie itself that I didn't care for (scare tactics), it really consolidated a lot of what's been happening and brought up a bunch of good points about 9-11 that lend easily to believe the conspiracy theorists.

    Of course it's a movie I actually wouldn't recommend to hard-core republicans, or anybody who wholeheartedly believes whatever the government tells them. It would just anger them.

    And for the rest of ya'll, I do recommend watching this movie. But with more than a grain of salt. Because as many things as I knew to be true, there were as many questionable points. At minimum though, this movie will make you think about many of the things that have happened in our government.

    Gas Prices:

    Santa Fe is in the middle of a gas price war. Some of it is due to the legislature being in town, the prices always drop a little when they're in session. That way the business doesn't find itself the victim of state government scrutiny, but this is more than normal.

    Gas prices in SF are ranging from 2.15/gal to 2.45/gal right now. Normally all the stations in the city are within a couple of cents of each other, but there are some that just can't afford this war any more and have had to bring their prices back up at least to cost. Yes, most of the gas stations in the city are selling gas at a loss.

    From what I've been told it all started when on station dropped their price, and then the rest followed suit. Of course there is massive fluctuation each day because of this. I've seen stations at the high end in the morning, and then competing with the rest come afternoon.

    Of course the big question now is whether this will continue once the legislature goes home at the end of the week, of if the competition will continue.


    On Fri. night there was a dance at the Eldorado Hotel. The SF community orchestra and the SF great big Jazz Band were both playing, and Chris Calloway was a special guest.

    It was nice, but the dance floor was way too small. I only got in like three dances in as many hours. Also the way the room was set up was a pain. I could only watch the musicians from the back because all the tables that allowed a view of the performance were reserved (sponsored) and all the community tables, of which there weren't enough,, were in bad locations.

    But probably the highlight of the evening for me was that I got to see my old HS band instuctor. I hadn't seen him in several years, and us band rats from up here all enjoyed having him as a teacher.

    Finally, Last night I was invited to go out to eat with other dancers again. This time I did not make the mistake of declining. While I was quiet for most of the time I at least got out and did something besides the norm.

    Anyway... I think that's enough for today.

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    Thursday, February 09, 2006

    Thursday already.

    Well, it looks like that time again. HNT.

    I'm kinda nervous about today's pic. It's probably the one ya'll will like the best, knowing how you like TandA. Then again, the lighting was so soft that you may not even be able to make it out very well.

    Anyhow, before the link for the pic... a request. Some of you know that I have a site dedicated to bumper stickers. Well, I've started doing polls so that come end of year review time I don't have to slog through all the bumper stickers for a year. The idea is to have a favorite sticker from each month, and then use that list to compile the end of year poll.

    Well, it's polling time for January's sticker. So if ya'll could check out the finalists post and then vote at the BSR Community page I'd much appreciate it.

    Ok, with the request out of the way. Here's what you came for.

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    Thursday, February 02, 2006

    Plea for Votes

    Hey everybody,

    I think most of you know about Bumper Sticker Rant.

    Anyway, I'm really trying to get the site more popular and get a community feel.

    One thing that I have done is started putting weekly (mostly) polls on the BSR community page. The goal of this is to have readers vote on their favorite stickers every week, and then compile another list for monthly faves.

    Well January is over, and I need people to vote in all of the weekly polls from the month, so that I can make the poll for January favorite tomorrow. So far I have very few votes, and I don't want to be a major factor in these polls. So if ya'l could look at the Jan. archives and then vote for each week's fave I'd much appreciate it. You don't need to sign up with BSR to vote.

    January's BSR archives
    Polls page

    Thanks All.

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    So I was playing with shutter speed and candles as lighting for this week's HNT Pic. Nothing too risque, but fun to try and get a good pic that way. If you don't know what all this is about then please click on the HNT link in my sidebar.

    Happy HNT All.

    [edit: If anybody is interested... I'd really appreciate as many peeps as possible to head over to Bumperstickerrant and take a look at the recent stickers and then vote for your favorites at The BSR community page. I'm trying to get a favorite sticker of the month thing going there and need people to share their faves. TIA]

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    Wednesday, February 01, 2006

    Daz Studio

    So I downloaded Daz Studio yesterday. It's interesting, the software itself is free, but you pay for the different things that go into it.

    I found a few free things to go with it, a couple of people and clothes for one of them. That way I can test the software and see if I like it enough to actually buy some of the stuff that goes with it.

    It looks like the fairy is supposed to go with a tutorial, maybe I should go back and read the thing. For now I've only just played with it to see what all it can do.

    Anyhow, here are a couple of the things that I've done with it so far. I'm actually tempted to buy some clothes, hair and poses for the people I've downloaded.

    Image hosting by Photobucket

    Image hosting by Photobucket

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