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    Friday, July 14, 2006

    Agreeing with the Shrub

    While I'm confident that we're getting a spin on the story from one side or another... I have to agree with the shrub for not immediately pushing Israel for a cease fire with Hezbollah. I also agree with his comments that Israel "has a right to defend herself."

    I must say, however, that it is unfortunate for the Lebanese people to be caught up in a conflict such as this. And while some of the spin is trying to make it look like the Lebanese support Hezbollah's actions, I honestly believe that the people would not encourage actions that put them in this position. Of course, since the government of Lebanon didn't appear to try to disarm Hezbollah despite requests from the international community, you could argue that they did just that. If you don't try to disarm the people who could put your country at danger by their actions against another, then you could be viewed as helping the attackers and thus just as responsible for the actions that they take. And once the border was crossed and soldiers taken, and the recent rocket attacks, it could easily be viewed as a declaration of war.

    One thing that I am seeing that I believe is that Iran and Syria probably played a role in this whole affair. That nutcase that runs Iran has been spewing threatening and hate filled comments at Israel since the day he took office. And while it would be incredibly idiotic for Iran to openly declare war on Israel, I do not doubt that they would use a terrorist group to instigate a battle and then declare that Israel started the conflict. And it appears that other countries believe that this may be the case.

    Even the now slightly overlooked problems in gaza seem odd. I find it hard to believe that Hamas would further jeopardize getting the international funding that was cut after their rise to power by pulling the stunt that occured in Gaza. Doing something like that makes it nearly impossible for them to prove that they are a legitimate government entity rather than another terrorist government like the Taliban. But if they were being pushed by these other countries it becomes much easier to believe.

    But the whole thing is worrying. There are too many conflicts in the middle east right now, and the whole thing is like a tinderbox just waiting for a spark. And with the increasing sectarian violence in Iraq, the recent bombings in India, and now Israel fighting on two fronts it seems that sombody is already striking the flint.

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    Wednesday, July 05, 2006

    protection, or barrier?

    When I was dancing the other night one of the other people there started talking to me, and pointed out an apparent paradox in my personality. They said that I seem both extremely shy, and extremely outgoing at the same time.

    I replied that while I am somewhat shy, I am more guarded. And I'm guarded in such a way that it probably does give the impression of extreme shyness. They mentioned something about how that's probably a great protection, and then somebody else asked me to dance and the conversation was ended.

    But it made me think.

    It's been slightly more than 2 years since Luke and I broke up. And in that time I would be surprised if any guy has even bothered to look my way.

    I know that I'm not physically attractive, and as guarded as I am there is no way for guys to see my personality without getting close as friends first. But I know firsthand the dangers of wanting to take a friendship further. And even if a guy does get close enough that way I wouldn't blame him for not trying to take a friendship further. I've been burned enough times like that to know to stay out of that fire, and I'd rather keep my feelings to myself anymore than lose the friend.

    I know the easy solution is to let my guard down, and see what happens. But I surround myself in so many layers of protection that I don't think I could do that. I don't even know how many there are. All I do know is that I have to be a complete emotional mess for them to be gone entirely. I was like that 2 years ago, with the breakup and then the death of a grandparent. And I know that I don't want to be in that dark place again.

    I wish that there were an easy solution, but life is never like that.

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