A release for whatever pops into my head. Come back often for a dose of my opinion. Don't forget to check out Bumpersticker Rant, my other blog.

Please Visit My Cafepress Store.

    Wednesday, November 30, 2005

    Happy HNT

    So Since I'm running out of family safe HNT options I have decided to set them up behind a cut. That way I can continue to play, and not have my family members who read this be subjected to something that they do not want to see.

    But I'd also like everybody to head on over to Bumper Sticker Rant at some point. And since I get more visitors on HNT's than any other day of the week I thought I'd mention it today. Please visit.

    So, now that you've waded through my rambling, click on to see my HNT submission this week.

    My HNT this week. I'm still not as brave as some,but this is more than I'd subject my family to.

    Image hosted by Photobucket.com

    Still don't know what HNT is about? Click the HNT button in my sidebar.

    And don't forget to visit BSR. (please, I'd like to get more visitors there.)

    Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosted by Photobucket.com

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    Monday, November 28, 2005


    Thought that you all might want to know...

    Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosted by Photobucket.com

    I'm psyched right now, and I can barely type. My fingers are mad at me for the haul on words this weekend.

    Even better, I barely got into the second part of the book at 40 K words, and I think that the second part will be longer than the first. Heck the first chapter of the second part was nearly 10K itself.

    I will continue working on shadowfall, but probably not at the same pace. I hope that you all keep reading it.

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    Sunday, November 27, 2005

    Just in case I go missing...

    So I've had a good run at writing this weekend. Shadowfall is coming along nicely, and last time I checked I was at just under 42.5K words. Go me.

    For some reason I think that I wrote 20K words over the break, so far, but I can only remember about 18K of those. So I must have wrote some and then forgotton about it and counted it toward another writing session without realizing it.

    So I have until Wednesday to hit the 50K mark if I want to be declared a winner. For some reason I think that I can do it too. I just need to get this post up and cross post it between LJ and Blogger.

    Anyway, if you want to see how my progress report looks and read an excerpt then please go to my NaNoWriMo profile

    If you just want to start reading then go to the Shadowfall posting blog.

    And if you don't hear from me much until wednesday, now you know why.

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    Saturday, November 26, 2005

    Spam Blog?

    So the past few days I'd been having trouble trying to publish my updates to Shadowfall with the word plug in for blogger. I opened the plug in this morning, and found that it had somehow lost the settings.

    But I was still having problems posting. So I went through the blogger dash to update the book.

    What was strange was that somehow Shadowfall had been mistaken as spam blog. WTF?? It doesn't even have many links on it. The links were pretty much to my other blogs, the torn web site and an amazon ad tower in the sidebar. I mean Bumper Sticker rant would be more likely to recieve that kind of attention because of the amount of links that I got goin on over there, but Shadowfall??

    I'm happy, I mean the spam blogs piss me off as much as they do everybody else. But I would like to know the criteria that they use to determine what constitutes a spam blog. And the kicker, until a real person reviews my request to look at the blog and say yes, it's not a spam blog, I will have no traffic to it from the next blog button. It will also not show up in the recently published list.

    Wow, what a way to kill any new readership. And right at the end of NaNowriMo too.

    Oh well, you want to determine for yourself? Click the My NaNoWriMo button in the sidebar to go to Shadowfall.

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    Wednesday, November 23, 2005

    Happy HNT Turkey Day

    So, For this HNT I decided that ya'll needed a half nekkid turkey. But I don't have any turkeys, so you'll have to deal with this.

    Begin Posted by Picasa

    Head Posted by Picasa

    Green Posted by Picasa

    Blue Posted by Picasa

    Yellow Posted by Picasa

    Red Posted by Picasa

    Brown Posted by Picasa

    Oops, It's a fully nekkid turkey. Oh well. Happy Half-Nekkid Turkey Day Posted by Picasa


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    Monday, November 21, 2005

    Bumper Sticker Rant

    SO after taking a break from Bumper Sticker Rant, I'd like to say that it's back up and running again. I've opened up some forums for the people over there, and I made some cool buttons for people to grab and put on their sites to spread the word.

    In other news... I completely buggered my hosting account last night. So it'll be even longer for me to get phoenixwaller.com back up again. But only a day longer. I had only started playing around to see how I want to do things different when I did it, so I didn't lose anything.

    Ummm, and that's all I have time for right now. I need to look at my saxophone before going to class. It was giving me problems last week, and while I think I can fix it I can't do that even if I'm blogging. So I'll see ya'll later.

    Oh yeah. Don't forget to check out Bumper Sticker Rant!

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    Wednesday, November 16, 2005

    Happy HNT

    It's not me, but I figured that everybody could appreciate this lady. And if you want to see some of me on this HNT scroll down a bit more. Posted by Picasa

    If you want to know what HNT is about then click the HNT button.


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    My fat legs on this HNT Posted by Picasa

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    Not quite HNT yet

    Wow, you guys are coming round earlier and earlier. I'll get one up, but where I'm at right now it's only 8:30. I'm stuck in MST if that helps, and I will not be posting until Osbasso's comments come back up at least, ok.

    But do come back. I have my pic ready, and another pic that I'm sure you'll all appreciate.

    In the meanwhile, why not check out Bumperstickerrant.com.

    Or start your holiday shopping online and visit Phoenixwaller Designs

    Until then, Happy not quite-HNT.

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    Nap time

    So for now I've moved the pointers for the graphics back to my old geocities page.

    And of course after I get me a little more sleep I will probably be redirecting phoenixwaller.com to that old page for the time being. At least then I'll have a little bit of time to fix the mess.

    But for now my brain is dead, and I'd like a nap. So till later.

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    Tuesday, November 15, 2005

    I should live in a tree

    Grrr. It's my birthday damnit.

    Sorry about the missing images. The raid on the server phoenixwaller.com is on died. And I don't know the extent of the damage yet.

    Right now it looks like I'll be redoing my page from scratch. I have no idea what's there and what's not.

    What's worse, is that since I didn't have everything finished yet I didn't have anything backed up.

    Add that to the todo pile I guess.

    I really did not need that stress right now. Luckily, yes there is one good thing, I hadn't yet started offering my various crafts for sale there. Otherwise I maight have lost actual data that would have been money related.

    But still... Grrr.

    I'll probably switch the graphics for the blogs back over to geocities soon. Until I get everything back up on my hosted server. But I just found out about this, and have class, and then I was going to try and do something with friends.

    Between this, being ten thousand words short of where I'd like to be and today being one of the lamest birthdays I can remember I'm just ready to say fuckitall and go live in a tree.

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    Monday, November 14, 2005

    A set of Jewelry that I am hoping to sell at the art show on wednesday. I have handmade beads for the center of the necklace and on the earrings. And then I hve finished out the piece with pearls and used sterling silver throughout.  Posted by Picasa

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    A closer look at the set. You can really see the beads and pearls in this pic. Posted by Picasa

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    Since it was laughed at

    Yeah, I added that donate button. Everybody laughed or said something that was not bad about it. SO I decided i'd go ahead and put it up. I guess more of wishful thinking than anything else. But I finally figured that there was no harmin putting i up.

    Anyway, I can't think of anything else right now. I may think of something later. And I'll probably be posting some pics of some of my glass either later tonight or sometime tomorrow.

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    Thursday, November 10, 2005

    Random Musing

    So My Birthday is on tuesday. And while I have absolutely no hopes of anyting coming from it, I was thinking of putting up a pay pal donation button on some of my web things for a few days because of it.

    Kind of a I wonder what would happen thing. But I need to gather some opinions. Is this completely tacky or what? I asked one person in RL and they laughed and said that it wasn't tacky, but funny. But what do you all think?

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    Wednesday, November 09, 2005

    Happy Half-Nekkid Thursday

    Happy HNT everybody. Yes, I know that my hand is wearing a pair of earrings. But I'm proud of those earrings. For one thing I had finished making them only about two minutes before taking this pic. And second except for the little bead on the bottom I made all the beads. Posted by Picasa


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    Bumperstickerrant Needs you!

    So I've been discouraged with the visitor counts for Bumper Sticker rant lately. They are sporadic at best, and oftentimes I have fewer than 10 unique visitors per day. Some days that number drops to less than five. More the latter lately.

    But I also believe that my little pet project will work out if I can give it some time to develop. So I'm not willing to drop the project yet. And since I bought the domain name I plan to at least play with it for a couple of years.

    Here's the deal. I'm taking a short break from posting on Bumpersticker rant. This will allow me to seperate myself from the project a little and try and determine the best way to go foward.

    What I'm looking for is for people to take a look at the site and give some feedback on how it can be better. I'm fairly open to suggestions.

    I'd also like to gather an opinion as to whether people feel that the bumpersticker pictures are better or the linked images from online so that people can buy the stickers are better.

    So if you've never stopped by the rant please do so and help me make it better. And if you would rather use a feed than visit each day the feed is http://bumperstickerrant.blogspot.com/atom.xml

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    Tuesday, November 08, 2005

    Black, Black, BLACK!!!

    I'm excited. I just logged on to my cafepress account to see that we can now put desins on BLACK apparrel. While the shirts won't actually be for sale for another few weeks, we will finally have black!

    I had been starting to think about ways to work with my space dreams section. I was wanting to offer personalizations on some stock images. But I didn't want to be tied to mugs and small things. Now I can put it on a shirt!!!

    The only thing I wish is that they had done this a little sooner. Now I'm going to be trying to write and wanting to make my designs for black shirts.

    anyway, here's a sneak peak of one of them. Just remember that they aren't for sale just yet. But I will let you know when they are.

    Of course I will be getting some geek designs done, but for now this is what I had that I could put on quickly.

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    Saturday, November 05, 2005

    Progress report

    So I posted a whole bunch more to Shadowfall today. I have now posted the whole first two chapters. My current word count stands at about 6700. 3700 of that being written today. I'm hoping to get that must done again tomorrow. If I can manage that then I will be right where I wanted to be by the end of the weekend. Of course I had really been hoping to get ahead. But just being where I need to be will be a good start. If you haven't already started reading now would probably be a good time.

    And don't forget, it's still not to late to sign up for NaNoWriMo. Just in case anybody was getting in the mood to write.

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    Friday, November 04, 2005

    Shoving Religion down our Throat

    So I came across this article during my daily news routine.

    Now I have found myself upset over this particular law firm before for the one line we frequently hear from them. "... a group whose mission, as explained on its Web site, is "to protect Christians and their religious beliefs in the public square."

    Of course this upsets me because by protecting the rights of christians, the firm in question is trampling the rights of everybody else, or at least advocating it.

    I don't know of anybody who is going into churches and pushing the preacher aside and calling everybody fools for believing in God, but these nutjobs want to go into schools and deny what I believe in. Science!

    Whatever happened to freedomn of religion? I ask because if these people win we will have none. We will all be forced to listen to christian dogma no matter what our beliefs.

    That really seems to be the goal of these people.

    And of course since we have the fundamentalists who want to bring the country back to the stone age backing these people up.

    What's worse is that even the Vatican is calling for another direction. As is evidenced in this article.

    I am starting to fear that this trend will make us no better in 20 years than the countries in the middle east that we keep trying to change into a democracy. We scorn these countries for having religious law, but that is exactly what some groups in our country are trying to turn the US into.

    Fundamentalism is dangerous in any religion, and yet it is growing here.

    SO to those of us still in our right minds... Beware the Sheeple.

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    Thursday, November 03, 2005

    Happy HNT

    You can almost see the purple in my hair in this pic. Happy HNT! Posted by Picasa


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    Wednesday, November 02, 2005

    Walkin round in Women's Underwear

    So this past weekend, sice I had a little bit of money, I decided that it was time to buy new underwear again.

    I wear that there's a reason why I try to avoid that little task.

    Ok, last time I checked guys only had three different cuts of undies. Boxers, briefs, and boxer-briefs. Pretty straightfoward. And since there aren't as many options it's pretty easy to settle on something.

    I counted at least five different cuts for women. Briefs, hi-cut briefs, bikini, thong, boy short, and probably one or two more that I don't remember.

    Now let's add to the complexity. Let's add fabric options, cotton, satin, lace, other. Then let's throw in some colors.

    Finally let's mix them up in no percievable order. And we get the women's undie section at Wally world.

    Why??? Why??? Seriously there is something wrong here. First, why do we need so many cuts? And second, why do we need useless cuts? I mean what is the point of a thong? You don't need to floss your ass!

    And the kicker... the hardest thing to find is the one that probably should be. Simple briefs. Cotton ones prefereably.

    I'm starting to think that those are a dying breed. I spent about 20 minutes looking before I found some, and then I ended up getting the wrong size and had to return them.

    I finally ended up with somthing liveable, but geez. They're only underwear, chances are the only one who'll notice is the one wearing them. So why do we need this complexity?

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    Tuesday, November 01, 2005

    Here we go...

    SO I took some time just before midnight last night to keep myself distracted before the start of NaNoWriMo. In the last hour before midnight I ended up picking up my stuff around the room, clening a little in order to have minimal distraction. I also made another design for my geek section. I have had enough success with my if you can't integrate design that I decided to add another math based design.

    Here it is...

    And while I have no idea how it'll do, I figure I see enough geeky stuff around to give it a try. And for the non-math geeks around... it says math geek, just spelled out in greek letters.

    Anyway, I did manage to get almost 250 words out between half past midnight and a few minutes past 1. So chapter one subchapter 1 has been posted. Time for me to go now. Later all.


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