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    Monday, June 26, 2006

    ups and downs

    This weekend was good. On friday I tried changing my serpentine belt in my car... but I just don't have the strength to loosen the nuts on the tensioner. So I ended up taking my car to jiffy lube on sat and having them replace the belt. :(

    But I was able to return the belt that I had purchased when I thought that I would be able to do it myself. So at least I wasn't out that money. :)

    Then I went down to Los Lunas and got my hair cut and colored. I now have plum colored hair :D

    Sunday I did nothing :D I watched movies and then I watched it rain. I watched FF7 Advent children. Which I wondered why I bought it after the first time I watched it. But after this last time I found more storyline than had been evident the first time. It is still mostly an eye candy movie, but at least the story made a bit more sense this time.

    After that I watched disk 7 of X. For a while I wondered how the series would compare to the movie. And now I can see why people said that the movie was butchered. There is just so much more depth to the characters and the whole story in general with the series than could ever be expressed in a 2 hour movie. Unless this last disk (8) horribly disppoints than X (the series) will be on my must own anime list.

    Of course to counter a relatively good weekend something had to go wrong at work this morning. When I got in I saw that the water tank had run completely dry over the weekend, which had caused the circulating pump to overheat and melt some of the pvc fittings around it. That left us at least 2 hours unable to sell water while the fittings were being repaired and the pump primed. And the ice chest is doing something funny, which we can't figure out. we have bags of ice melting in the cooler. We have a thermometer in the cooler, and it reports that the temperature is below freezing, yet the ice still melts. The only thing that any of us can figure is that heat from the room is making the temperature higher by the door, but even that really doesn't explain it.

    OK, enough of my babbling. Laterz ya'll.

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    Saturday, June 17, 2006


    I'm changing hosts with phoenixwaller.com toward the end of this month. I don't know how long it'll take me to get everything back up, even though I think I should have a simple placeholder page in place fairly quick.

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    Monday, June 05, 2006


    So my father is headed out to missouri again today. But he should only be gone for a couple of days, and he'll be bringing my grandfather back when he returns. The nursing home here in Santa Fe called last week and said that they had a bed for my grandfather, so now my parents are in the scramble of getting everything in order.

    I'm enjoying netflix so far. I'm almost done watching Trigun, and I don't think I will run out of things that I would like to see for some time. I figure I'll get more anime through them than anything else. Right now I tend to watch about an hour to an hour and a half every night before I go to bed. And I was starting to get tired of the series that I already had, so this seems to be a good solution for now.

    My car is acting funny again. It's trying to stall at lights again. The last time it did this a fuel filter, oil change, and new spark plugs solved the problem. But I'm thinking that may have only been a band-aid solution. If any one of those things could have really solved the problem than it wouldn't be happening again now. I'm thinking that it may be something to do with the tranny, but the fluid is still good looking. I don't know when it was last serviced though, and I know a fluid change would never hurt. I also need a new serpentine belt. Somebody told me that to change the belt in that car would require the removal of a motor mount, but both my and my father looked and neither of us saw a mount anywhere in the loop. So we'll most likely just change the belt at home and save me a whole bunch of money.


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