A release for whatever pops into my head. Come back often for a dose of my opinion. Don't forget to check out Bumpersticker Rant, my other blog.

Please Visit My Cafepress Store.

    Friday, December 30, 2005

    Author Chat?

    So just after Torn was released it was mentioned to me to have an author chat. Well for the longest time I didn't really know where to have said chat, and then once I put a chat room on my page it was too close to the holidays. Well, now that things are settling down again I've decided that I'm ready to give it a try.

    Right now I think I'll have to hold it on a weekend, because of time differences. That way there isn't work or commutes interfering.

    Right now I think I'll aim for early to mid-Jan, to have a chat. But I don't know for sure yet.

    I do have a question though... I'd like a rough guesstimate of how many of you might be interested. And what times would work best. That way I can figure this thing out.

    Anyway, if ya'll want to see the chat setup go to Phoenixwaller.com and click the chat link. And while you're there check out the forums and some of the other stuff that I've been doing over there.

    Then once I fgure out this thing watch either here or in the announcements over there for the chat info.

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    Thursday, December 29, 2005

    End of Year HNT

    Hey all,

    welcome to the last HNT of 2005. I had been thinking of doing a review of several of my HNT pics, but Os made it even easier by suggesting that we just pick our favorite.

    So while this pic may not be the most revealing, to me it is definately the most fun. It's got some silliness, and my hair was still purple in that pic.

    Happy New Year everybody, and Happy HNT.

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    Wednesday, December 28, 2005

    Post Holiday Blowout Sale

    If anybody has actually been wanting to buy something from Phoenixwaller Designs now is a good time. Today was the start of a blowout sale. Below is the sales banner, which lists what is on sale.

    Happy Shopping everyone.

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    Returning Update

    So the returning is over, but the buying of new stuff isn't.

    I now have two gift cards, one place gave cash back, and I'm still stuck with the purse.

    Of course my big gripe of the day is with verizon. I went in to upgrade my phone, and was told that I couldn't get the upgrade credit because of a policy that recognizes phone numbers rather than accounts. I've already sent in an angry email, but I know that's more for me than for anything else. I really needed to gripe at them about it, mostly because it doesn't make sense.

    So now I need to decide if I want to use the gift cards online, or if I want to go into the stores again. I guess I may have to look at the policies.

    Anyway, that's enough for now. For all you HNTer's who keep checking, check agin later. I have a post ready, but I'm not going to put it up until Os opens the comments.

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    Tuesday, December 27, 2005

    Holiday update

    Hey all,

    Since my work is closed for this whole week I haven't been online as much and have therefore been neglecting this blog. But I decided that I might as well give ya'll some sort of update.

    X-mas went ok, lots of food and fun. I am going to end up playing the return game a lot this year. Yep, unfortunately.

    let's figure it out...

    I got 2 copies of charlie and the chocolate factory. I'm keeping the deluxe and returning the basic widescreen. And then for some reason my parents decided to get me a copy of war of the worlds. I hadn't even seen the movie, and hadn't heard anything good about it either. So I rented that one, and we watched it tonight. Yeah... that unopened one that was in the box... it's goin back to the store and I'm getting a good movie instead.

    Then there's the clothes to return, 2 different stores there. Why oh why couldn't they have come from the same store? Dunno if I'm gonna get more clothes or not. I have more pants than will fit in the drawer, and I'm pretty good on tops as well. Hopefully I'll either find something that I can use, or just get money back. Even though I have heard rumors of return policies being tightened.
    Then there's still the unknown gift handbag set. Dunno if I'll return it or not. I don't think I'll use it. It's red, and not my style at all. But I have no reciept to return it with, and I think that wally world has already put all that holiday exclusive stuff on clearance. which means that I'd probably get half at best. I may take it and see what happens. I guess I don't have to return it if it doesn't feel right.

    I feel bad. I almost never return gifts. And this year I'm looking at returning about half. Even worse is that I'll probably end up getting things that are completely different from the original gift as well.

    I'm just hoping that the majority of people are returning to work, and I won't have to fight quite as bad to return these things.

    In other news, the dollar gift exchange game went well. The friends of the family whom we asked to play this year seemed to have fun with it. I think that the worst of my dollar gifts was a second cd wallet that was a nasty purple and pink. I think my brother ended up getting stuck with a whole slew of dollar movies, (hehe) and of course various other random dollar stuff was around. I really like that game, and I hope that we continue to play it.

    Umm, that's all I can think of for right now. I'm headed out to face the stores tomorrow.

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    Thursday, December 22, 2005

    A blogger has gone missing

    There was a blog that I enjoyed reading. The Rudicus Report. You can find it in my blogroll on the sidebar. While I may not have always agreed with the points made, I always enjoyed the presentation and the open atmosphere.

    Even though the last post indicated a new direction for the blog, I was looking foward to that new direction.

    Alas, I fear that there has been nothing new for some time. And I haven't heard from Rudicus in some time either. I even took the unusual step of actually emailing him, but there has yet been no reply.

    I fear that Rudicus has gone missing, or at least disappeared from the blogosphere.

    So as my blogosphere x-mas wish... I wish for Rudicus to return.

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    New Products in the store

    So for all you HNTer's, my HNT post is below this one, so just scroll down a bit. Or read this if you wanna.

    SO I introduced a new line in Phoenixwaller Designs today. It's called Former Goth and it came about after a conversation with Nikki about how I make my designs.

    I especially love the paradox of the line 'former goth' on black products, but have also offered a white version as well.

    Please click on the link below for some preview images of these new products.

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    Very Merry HNT

    Happy Holidays everybody, and a very merry HNT. I do have a pic if you want to click at the bottom. And if you still need to know what HNT is all about, then click on the HNT link in my sidebar.

    But for the HNT gifts...
    1. BSoholic- I'd get him some binder clips, because we always need more binder clip people.

    2. Thomcat- I'd get him a nice writing journal, because all writers need one.

    And I can't single out one other HNT Participant for this game, since the one other I'd really single out I'm already giving a gift to in RL.


    3. All HNT bloggers, I would give the wish of a wonderful and safe holiday season.

    Oh, yeah. This gift for all you HNTer's as well. I'm all wrapped up for the holidays.

    Thanks to Nikki for the use of her scarf.

    Image hosted by Photobucket.com

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    Monday, December 19, 2005


    I started off having a nice few days to relax after coming back home from school. Slept in, got the car unpacked, found out I passed (that was a huge stress reliever), and pretty much just had a nice time of it.

    Until yesterday that is...

    I was all ready to go x-mas shopping with my aunt yesterday afternoon. And then she called, from the hospital. My grandmother had fallen after the church services and was taken to the emergency room. My mother was at work, so first I had to call her, and then I rushed to the hospital.

    Luckily, my mother had found a moment during her busy working that she was able to call a family friend whom she had kept informed on my grandmother's meds and other medical info.

    My grandmother was fine as of this morning from what I hear. She was released from the hospital at about 5 yesterday, and was already doing better by the time that she got home, but what a scare for us all.

    Then today I was looking foward to a relaxing return to the working world. But no sooner had I plopped my butt into that chair than the guy who runs the water store comes in and tells me that the store had some sort of leak over the weekend. It was rather wet in there.

    So I spent some of my morning helping over there, since it's the same owners, and it's starting to look better. I guess the carpet needed cleaned anyway, and now it just looks like they'd shampooed it.

    But geez... what a way to end a weekend.

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    Thursday, December 15, 2005


    I passed the last class that I needed to graduate, which means that I should be receiving my chemical engineering degree after the regents meeting in feb.

    Happy Dance.

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    Wednesday, December 14, 2005


    So it's half nekkid thursday yet again. For this week I have another safe photo, but don't worry, I have something more bold already in the works for next week.

    So here is my safe pic, and Happy HNT everybody.

    Image hosted by Photobucket.com

    And if you still don't know what this is all about than check out the HNT link in my sidebar.

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    Monday, December 12, 2005


    So I've pretty much decided that phoenixwaller.com is ready for the public. I still have a bit of work to do, mostly the crafts page. But since I'm going to implement a shopping cart on that I'm going to need more time on that section.

    I also still have to figure out how to fix the error that I am getting every time that I try and install the bulletin board module. Once I figure that out I'll be adding a BB.

    But my writings are up, and enough other stuff is ready for now that I'm ready to open up the site for you all to look at.

    So head on over to phoenixwaller.com to check it out.

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    Sunday, December 11, 2005

    Busy Weekend

    So after going through my photos for my photography class I came across a few really good ones. Good enough for me to put in the store. I also added a new 1337 design... 1337 slaxxor. You can see the designs and my cut 'n paste ad from the DTSS Blog by clicking for more below.

    On top of that I also moved a good portion of my stuff back to Santa Fe this weekend. My dorm room looks barren on my side now. Now all I have to do is pass my final on Tues.

    And I guess that's all for now, don't forget to click for more below to see the new designs.

    Just Added: One new 1337 design and two new photos.

    There's still time before the holidays to pick up these new designs. Head on over to Phoenixwaller Designs to see these new additions along with all my other products.

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    Wednesday, December 07, 2005

    Happy HNT

    Ok, nothing much to say. HNT is something that you need to click for. Other than that... visit the links in my sidebar for more cool stuff, or the other blogs in my profile.

    Happy HNT

    Image hosted by Photobucket.com

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    Tired of Waiting

    Don't mind me, just venting a little. You can click for more if you want, but it may not be recommended even though it's just text.

    Hit another one of my lonely spells tonight. I don't know if it's the holidays, or my usual mood swings. It's not bad yet, at least I haven't felt like crying for no reason. But if it keeps going this way I may get there before going to bed.

    One of the worst things about being single and hating it is the 'advice' from married (or sometimes practically married) people. It's almost as if the unhappy single people aren't allowed to express their discontent in public. And the 'advice' is always the same line.

    "Give it time, you'll meet someone"

    and then they promptly change the subject.

    Well, I'm tired of waiting. I get lonely waaaayy to easy, and there are days when I just want to cuddle up to someone.

    Of course if you ever get past that first line, then the next is usualy... "then do the asking, don't wait for them to come to you."

    Tried that... been burned. You learn not to do that after you scare off about the third guy friend. Sometimes the friendships are too important to risk in that fashion.

    And that brings me back to where I am... lonely.

    I could ramble some more about that, but I won't it's just more of the same words in a different package.

    But to you married people out there... I don't want to hear either of those lines again right now. So don't even think of using them in the comments.

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    Tuesday, December 06, 2005

    New Print in my store

    Announcing a new framed print available in the Space Dreams section at Phoenixwaller Designs!

    This print is yet another view of the depths of space from the mind of Jennifer Waller. It's perfect for hanging in spots that are wider than tall, but still need a bit of color. Or use it in a room that already has a deveolped space theme.

    This one here took me about an hour to make. Of course that doesn't include the initial time I spent months back to make the background pattern.

    Sorry about the sales pitch, but I'm starting to realize that thigs like that show up better in the search engines. And I need things like that to show up if I want to see one sold.

    Between that and surfing that's about how I've spent my morning.

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    Monday, December 05, 2005

    Eh, whatever

    So after not updating for a few days I still have little to talk about. Well, maybe not, we'll see...

    • Started a new team blog last night for members of the dead t-shirt society. For the rest of you that means a new blog that showcases (when it gets rolling in a day or so) designs and products from a whole bunch of cafepress shopkeepers. I've already set up a link to the feed if anybody is horribly interested, and the blog is at dtssshops.blogspot.com
    • Started getting Phoenixwaller.com into shape again. I'd like everybody to stop by and make sure that it works in your browsers and let me know here. It's not done yet, but it's a good start. I think I am only missing the crafts pages right now.
    • Bloggy Button: I may have started a nasty trend, or maybe somebody else started it. But right after I made the button for Bumper Sticker Rant available I started seeing lillte buttons appear everywhere for linking to blogs. So, not to get lost in the shuffle, here's one that ya'll can use to link back to here
    Image hosted by Photobucket.com

    (a href="http://phoenixwaller.blogspot.com" target="blank")(img src="http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d82/phoenixwaller/Logos%20and%20web%20stuff/dr-phoenix.gif" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com")(/a)

    As usual, just change the ()'s to <>'s

    Ok, more than I thought, but still not much. L8R

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